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Geology & Exploration,Drilling And Workover softwares.

Carlson Takeoff with embedded AutoCAD (OEM) includes the same functionality as the Takeoff Suite and modules Carlson Construction, Carlson CADnet, Carlson GeoTech & Carlson Trench except that it includes an embedded version of the current AutoCAD OEM software and different menu configuration. Carlson Construction serves as the cornerstone of Carlson’s suite for contractors, offering comprehensive volume reporting and visualization tools to ensure accurate project management. Carlson Takeoff Suite R13 Tested Picture With features like 3D Drive Simulation and seamless integration with CAD platforms, Carlson Construction streamlines road construction and facilitates seamless transition to fieldwork, ensuring precise stakeout and machine control implementation. Carlson CADnet empowers users to seamlessly transform non-CAD documents like PDFs and raster images into CAD format, with tools for cleaning...

Carlson Survey with embedded AutoCAD (OEM) runs standalone with an embedded version of the current AutoCAD OEM software. Carlson Survey includes features that are comparable to the survey and GIS components of programs such as: DCA/Softdesk/Land Desktop, AutoCAD Map, Civil 3d, Eagle Point, TerraModel, GeoPak and InRoads. Carlson Survey includes features that are comparable to the survey and GIS components of programs such as: DCA/Softdesk/Land Desktop (retired), AutoCAD Map, Civil 3d, Eagle Point (retired), TerraModel (retired), GeoPak and InRoads. Carlson Survey also includes all the menus and functionality of the retired C & G Software program. Carlson Survey OEM 2025 Tested Picture In addition to the functionality of the CAD-platform it’s running on top of and the identical functionality available in the...

Petra is a cost-effective software solution for managing, manipulating and visualizing integrated geological, geophysical and engineering data. Geologists, engineers, technicians and analysts use Petra for exploration, exploitation, infill drilling, reserves analysis, unconventional plays, production analysis and more. With Petra, you can quickly visualize results using mapping, cross-sections, seismic interpretations, log plots, cross-plots, production and reservoir analysis, and 3D visualization. To maximize your subscription, S&P Global offers technical support as well as Petra training courses at select locations and on site, by request. IHS Petra v3.17.3 Tested Picture Key features of the Mapping Module include: Integrate surface land picture into your subsurface interpretations Post digital/raster log curves and production data to well location Create and customize contour and bubble maps Display...

The Professional edition of The Geochemist’s Workbench 2023 is the complete suite of tools to meet every practicing geochemist’s needs. GWB Pro is your choice for computing phase diagrams and modeling reactive transport. One-dimensional and two-dimensional simulations of reactive transport in single and dual-porosity media, including bioreaction, stable isotopes, and migrating colloids, are a snap. Then animate your results and create video clips with a few clicks. Geochemist’s WorkBench(GWB) Professional 2023 v17.0.3 Tested Picture GWB Pro’s advanced algorithms and multithreaded design make it ideal for simulating the fate and transport of contaminants in flowing ground and surface water. In addition to reactive transport, GWB Pro models kinetic and equilibrium reaction in multicomponent systems, calculates Eh-pH and activity diagrams, and creates a spectrum of specialty plots. You can balance reactions, calculate equilibrium constants,...

Sirovision is a geological / geotechnical mapping and analysis system that generates accurate, scaled 3D images of rock faces from stereo photographs taken in either open pit or underground environments. Sirovision allows mining professionals to quickly and accurately: Datamine Sirovision 7.1.3 Tested Picture Map structures daylighting at the surface to automatically determine their properties Automatically detect simple wedge and complex block features resulting from the structures Perform analyses to determine the failure risk Increase productivity and safety

Supervisor Version 9 brings a long-deserved and significant technology upgrade to the base platform that will allow us to continue to support and develop Supervisor well into the future. While there are some changes to the overall look, Version 9 remains an evolution of the previous version with no reduced functionality or changes to the core workflow. Ultimately, while we have modernised Supervisor, it is not a new product and therefore is accessible by anyone with a current active maintained license, subscription or rental. Datamine Supervisor 2024 v9.0.3 Tested Picture Aside from the modernised user interface, you can enjoy the convenience of the new ribbon menu and utilise greater customisation new dockable windows, alongside a number of small quality of life changes. We are...
Leica Infinity is more than a user-friendly geospatial office software for measurement professionals – it’s a productivity powerhouse connecting field and office like never before. In one intuitive software, easily manage and process data from multiple sites and survey teams from all your different survey instruments, including digital levels, total stations, imaging UAVs, GNSS sensors, and laser scanners. Plus, you can edit, archive, and export data directly to CAD, GIS, and BIM applications. With all your data in one place, you’ll stay infinitely connected and keep projects moving with fast accessibility and smooth data transfer, giving you greater traceability and control. What is included with Infinity v4.2: Create Material Surfaces from Tunnel Layers Point Cloud Classification Use Image Processing Templates...

Carlson Precision 3D 2024 goes far beyond being just a 3D visualization tool; instead, it harnesses cutting-edge technologies to empower users to effortlessly integrate data from diverse sources, creating highly accurate 3D surfaces (P3D Topo) and hydrology-related outputs (P3D Hydro). All this while working within a faster, more intuitive 3D environment. Carlson Precision 3D 2024(LandXML Viewer) Tested Picture Powerful Surface Tools CP3D offers an array of powerful surface-creation tools: Create surfaces from point cloud data without compromising on resolution. Employ grid reduction to load large surfaces faster. Simplify complex surfaces effortlessly. Generate surfaces from imported points and polylines. Easily add points and break polylines to existing surfaces. Crop and merge surfaces seamlessly. Surface Editing The real-time surface editing capabilities of...

nFrames SURE 5.3 brings more crisp colors in the Mesh, massive rasters ready to be efficiently displayed, more accurate reconstruction of complex objects at high resolution plus numerous other improvements. The quality of the results produced with the new version is more convincing than ever! nFrames SURE 2024 v5.3.2 Tested Picture 3D Mesh Apply color adjustments to Meshes with Ease! Make your Mesh look more vibrant and colorful by using a Lookup Table during Mesh conversion. Get rid of common effects like blue haze or dull-looking colors. This new feature helps to give your Mesh the final touch to visually stand out, going beyond what the input imagery offers. Faster Mesh Conversion With SURE 5.3, Mesh Conversion has been significantly...
The Olga dynamic multiphase flow simulator models transient flow (time-dependent behaviors) to maximize production potential. Transient modeling is an essential component for feasibility studies and field development design. Dynamic simulation is essential in deep water and is used extensively in both offshore and onshore developments, to investigate transient behavior in pipelines and wellbores. Transient simulation with the Olga simulator provides an added dimension to steady-state analysis by predicting system dynamics, such as time-varying changes in flow rates, fluid compositions, temperature, solids deposition, and operational changes. From wellbore dynamics, for any well completion to pipeline systems with various types of process equipment, the Olga simulator provides accurate predictions of key operational conditions involving transient flow. Improvements to parametric studies Olga 2024.2...