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Materialise Mimics Enlight CMF 2024 v6.0.0.407-Engsofts

Materialise Mimics Enlight CMF 2024 v6.0.0.407

Mimics Enlight CMF is intended for use as a software interface and imaging segmentation system for the transfer of medical imaging information to an output file. Mimics Enlight CMF is also intended to support the diagnostic and treatment planning process of maxillofacial procedures. For this purpose, Mimics Enlight CMF provides visualization, measurement and design tools. The Mimics Enlight CMF output can be used for the fabrication of physical replicas using traditional or additive manufacturing methods. The fabricated output can be used for diagnostic purposes in the field of maxillofacial applications. Mimics Enlight CMF should be used in conjunction with other diagnostic tools and expert clinical judgement. Materialise Mimics Enlight CMF 2024 v6.0.0.407 Tested Picture 3D plan your cases using our...

Materialise Mimics Core 27.0

Materialise Mimics Core is a 3D medical image segmentation software,Move from 3D medical image data to 3D modeling efficiently and accurately. Mimics Core’s unmatched virtual procedure planning capabilities allow you to manage even the most uncommon patient cases and challenging image data. Features Effective anatomy segmentation Combine AI-enabled automated tools with smart editing tools to obtain accurate 3D models. Accurate anatomy analysis Identify landmarks and analyze the anatomy with an extensive set of 3D measurement tools. Virtual procedure planning Visualize different procedure scenarios for improved understanding. Virtually position devices to fully grasp the anatomical fit. Workflow automation Use Python scripting to automate repetitive steps, making you more efficient and reducing the learning curve for colleagues. Seamless connection with Materialise Mimics...

