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Geology & Exploration,Drilling And Workover softwares.
Geovariances ISATIS.NEO Mining 2024.12-Engsofts

Geovariances ISATIS.NEO Mining 2024.12

Isatis.neo Mining 2024.04, introduces a new kind of graphic to strenghten the validation of your simulation results. Additionally, it comes with new interfaces for exchanging data and objects between Isatis.neo projects and with other software, and provides enhanced Calculator performance. Under “Statistics” menu, there is “EDA”, “Statistics”,”Simulations”, and other functions are work well. VALIDATE FURTHER THE SIMULATION OUTPUTS With the new accuracy plots, you’ll be able to check the model of local uncertainty. This new graphic compares the probability interval against the actual fraction of true values that are inside the probability interval. MORE STREAMLINED DATA EXCHANGES You can now conveniently exchange any data or objects between Isatis.neo projects using the available explorers, including neighborhoods, geostatistical sets, color scales, chart files, scenes, batch...

Datamine Studio OP 2024 v3.0.313-Engsofts

Datamine Studio OP 2024 v3.0.313

Datamine Studio OP v3.0.313 have a significant number of improvements to present both in OP specific functionality and Core improvements coming to OP with this release. Datamine Studio OP 2024 v3.0.313 Tested Picture Auto-Design Improvements Automated Pit Design and Dump Design task panels have been overhauled to simplify the process of generating adaptive or fixed roads. By combining the ‘new’ and ‘edit’ command groups, it is now much easier to create or select a road for modification. This includes several changes to the Berm Tapering (now merged with the Road Overrides panel) and String Conditioning panels to reduce screen clutter and make the automated design process more straightforward. Define road override settings at either the pit or bench level. A new Road Overrides screen lets...

SPGlobal QUESTOR 2024Q3-Engsofts

SPGlobal QUESTOR 2024Q3

SPGlobal QUE$TOR 2024 Q3 have been implemented the following features have been implemented: SPGlobal QUESTOR 2024Q3 Tested Picture Production facilities once through steam generation Wellpad group solar PV power Topsides solar PV power GHG Emissions report with third party electricity generation Gas turbine drive data enhancement

Datamine PA Explorer 2024 v19.0.115-Engsofts

Datamine PA Explorer 2024 v19.0.115

PA Explorer is an application for analysing and presenting geophysical data in profiles, maps and 3D displays. The information that can be analysed by this software includes single or multi-channel data acquired from airborne or ground surveys, including electro-magnetics (AEM) and potential field (gravity or magnetic) data. Datamine PA Explorer 2024 v19.0 Tested Picture Increase project efficiency PA Explorer will deliver more results from your existing software investments through better use of visualisation and cross-product integration. Enhance data insights PA Explorer provides you with a range of interpretive enhancement tools that include line, section, grid and voxel gridding, filtering, calculators and toolkits. Complex data import PA Explorer provides a rich environment for building interpretations that cover anomaly picking, map interpretations, section...

Datamine Discover 2.2.716 for ArcGIS Pro 3.1.x-3.4.x-Engsofts

Datamine Discover 2.2.716 for ArcGIS Pro 3.1.x-3.4.x

Built as a plugin to ArcGIS Pro, Discover for ArcGIS Pro is a comprehensive package for the importation, centralisation and analysis of geoscientific data, whether you are conducting mineral exploration, or environmental assessments. Import drillhole data from numerous different data repositories and seamlessly refresh data as new data becomes available. Create legends to apply to all of your ArcGIS Pro data types: surface, drillhole, line or point data. Datamine Discover 2.1 for ArcGIS Pro 3.1.5 Tested Picture Create section templates to manage all of your section data and styling in 2D or 3D to keep all section data in standard formats and styles across your project. Digitise data, register images on section and seamlessly send this to 3D. Import 2D data and...

Carlson SurveyGNSS 2024 v3.0.3.0-Engsofts

Carlson SurveyGNSS 2024 v3.0.3.0

Carlson SurveyGNSS post-processing software is a reliable and precise tool for all post-processing applications and is tightly integrated into the Carlson field and office workflow. Carlson SurveyGNSS 2024 v3.0.0.0 Tested Picture Carlson SurveyGNSS Release Compute..Candidate Static Vector(s) will now calculate up to three vectors at the same time. Added Show Transcript File to the right click menu of the Compute..Candidate Static Vector(s) command. This command will open the transcript file in notepad. File…Save As…Comma-Separated Values added as a way to save positions to a .CSV file. Added a Show Transcript File menu to the right click menu on the Vectors tab. This command will open the transcript file in notepad. [Case SURVEYGNSS-57] Search…Published Precise Ephemeris/Ionosphere Model will now prioritize downloading Ionex...

DHI WEST 2025-Engsofts


WEST software is a sophisticated simulation tool used by operators and engineers to optimise plant design, operations and automation by targeting effluent quality, energy and cost. Make WEST your modelling platform of choice Plant Operators Investigate the complex process dynamics and interactions that characterise a modern WWTP. Evaluate treatment performance resulting from changes in the sewage composition and in operational strategy, using highly customisable dashboards. Wastewater Engineers & Consultants Support the design of new facilities and upgrades of existing ones. Identify actions to optimise and improve operational efficiency. Researchers Evaluate alternatives within a reasonable time frame. Develop and implement custom process models , automate objective evaluation and advanced statistical analysis.

DHI MIKE+ 2025-Engsofts

DHI MIKE+ 2025

MIKE+ offers a full suite of integrated software solutions for water systems with a flexible and scalable model manager layer at its core. The MIKE+ platform allows you to plug and play with different modules to customise water management solutions. They’re powerful alone – but even better when used together. Plus, some modules are transversal, so you can use them across your collection systems, rivers and flooding challenges. That’s the power of an integrated water modelling platform. MIKE+ Rainfall Runoff Prepare multiple rainfall-runoff models in one simulation. Choose between the Time-Area method, Kinematic Wave routing method, LIDS options, linear reservoir models, Storm Water Quality Method or UHM. You can even combine these models with rainfall-dependent inflow and infiltration (RDI). MIKE+...

DHI MIKE ZERO 2025-Engsofts


MIKE Powered by DHI the part of DHI, the global organisation dedicated to solving challenges in water environments worldwide, has released update of DHI MIKE Zero 2025, is the ideal and preferred software package for your business within water environments. The MIKE product family is the only product suite that covers all aspects of water and environment, from source to tap and from mountain top to the ocean. Through close links to DHI’s research and consulting activities, MIKE products are always leading the way by using the latest science, and at the same time are flexible and efficient engineering tools. Water modelling and GIS for cities MIKE URBAN is the only modelling software that covers all aspects of water, wastewater...

DHI FEFLOW 2025 v10.0-Engsofts

DHI FEFLOW 2025 v10.0

FEFLOW 10 delivers features to streamline modelling workflows, enhance visualisation and support advanced applications. Highlights include a new implicit modelling workflow for constructing geologically meaningful surfaces and structural models with ease and advanced map projection tools with online background maps for improved visual clarity. The release also introduces an extended Equation of State (EOS) for evaluating phase conditions in deep geothermal models and a streamlined standard transport formulation with an extended ‘Convective Form’ to simplify transport modelling across diverse applications, including direct Lithium extraction, aquifer remediation and geothermal storage and direct use. DHI FEFLOW 2025 v10.0 Tested Picture In this major release, FEFLOW 10.0 comes with a number of exciting new software features focusing on usability, numerical methods and 3D meshing workflows....


