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Electrical & Power Engineering softwares.

The TICRA Tools framework offers a range of products with a proven track record you can trust to accomplish your daily analysis and design optimisation tasks. The applications range from reflector antennas in GRASP over general antenna and scattering analysis in ESTEAM to feed horns and waveguide components in CHAMP 3D, as well as surfaces composed of frequency and polarization-sensitive materials in QUPES. POS is the tool for advanced payload antennas, while UQ augments the usual antenna design process with uncertainties on design parameters to get expected antenna performance and confidence intervals. TICRA Tools 23.1 Tested Picture TICRA Tools 23.1, introducing valuable enhancements that empower users with improved and more efficient workflows. Among many improvements, selected highlights of this release...

Aprisa is a detail-route-centric physical design solution for the modern SoC. Whether your goal is to speed time to tapeout, reduce total cost of ownership, or achieve the lowest power usage, Aprisa is here with patented technologies and best-in-class support to ensure your success. Aprisa offers complete functionality for top-level hierarchical design and block-level implementation for complex digital IC designs. Its detail-route-centric architecture and hierarchical database enable fast design closure and optimal quality of results (QoR) at a competitive runtime. Siemens Aprisa 2023.1 Linux Tested Picture Reduced time-to-design closure A unified data model brings real route information and parasitics to any engine and step in the flow. Designers can confidently know their design’s achievable PPA at pre-route stage, greatly reducing...
The nextnano.NEGF package is a cutting-edge package specifically designed for modelling quantum transport in planar structures. This package is the best choice for precise simulations of Quantum Cascade Lasers (QCLs) and Quantum Cascade Detectors (QCDs), Superlattices, and Resonant Tunnelling Diodes (RTDs). With the nextnano.NEGF package, you gain access to advanced computational capabilities, which includes calculation of band structures, energy-resolved carrier densities and the density of states, optical gain, output power and L-I-V characteristics, wall-plug efficiency, and much more. We are proud to say that nextnano.NEGF is truly the best commercially available tool for modeling quantum transport in QCLs. nextnano.NEGF is an advanced computational tool and the core engine of the nextnano.NEGF package. It utilizes the cutting-edge Non-Equilibrium Green Functions (NEGF)...

The nextnano++ package provides you with tools for designing, optimizing, and analyzing optoelectronic nanodevices of arbitrary geometries in 1D, 2D and 3D. This package is the best choice for modelling properties of a vast number of semiconductor structures. It allows you to design optoelectronic devices made of quantum wells, wires, and dots. With the nextnano++ package, you gain access to advanced computational capabilities, which includes calculation of band structures, densities of states, charge distributions, wave functions, strain, piezo effects, optical spectra, quantized conductance, and much more. This package includes: nextnano++ nextnano3 nextnano.MSB nextnanomat nextnanopy With a comprehensive suite of advanced features including a user-friendly graphical workflow manager, seamless integration with Python libraries, and a rich repository of practical examples, nextnano...

Lorentz Solution’s PeakView™ is an innovative electromagnetic design platform for high speed analog and RFIC design and analysis. PeakView™ products are assimilated into the Virtuoso® environment, Custom Compiler layout editor, and customary RC extraction flows, providing designers with a familiar IC design experience from prototyping to sign-off. Lorentz PeakView 5.08 Linux64 Tested Picture Benefits of PeakView™ Platform vs. Discrete Tools The PeakView™ EM platform is fully integrated into the Cadence® and Custom Compiler IC design environments. Designers can select components from the PeakView™ built-in PCircuit library, optimize device parameters and synthesize target values. PeakView’s iRCX and ITF parsers support process technology information provided by various foundries. PeakView EM Prototyping and HFD™ performs electromagnetic modeling of EM coupling and parasitic inductive...

Wireless InSite is a suite of RF propagation models, providing 3D ray-tracing, fast ray-based methods, and empirical models for the analysis of site-specific radio wave propagation and wireless communication systems. Through its combined modeling, simulation, and post-processing capabilities, it provides efficient and accurate predictions of EM propagation and communication channel characteristics in complex urban, indoor, rural and mixed path environments. Remcom Wireless InSite Tested Picture Wireless InSite 3D Wireless Prediction Software Features Wireless InSite’s unique collection of features gives users the ability to analyze even the most complex and massive propagation problems. X3D Propagation Model X3D is a 3D propagation model with no restrictions on geometry shape or transmitter/receiver height. This accurate model includes reflections, transmissions and diffractions along with...

Rotman Lens Designer tool (RLD), which is intended for rapid development and analysis of Rotman Lenses given several physical and electrical input parameters. RLD generates the proper lens contours, transmission line geometry, absorptive port (dummy port) geometry, provides an approximate analysis of performance, and generates geometry files for import into XF for further analysis and fabrication. Remcom Rotman Lens Designer(RLD) 1.7 Tested Picture Key Features RLD creates lens designs based on typical input parameters. An extensive range of output values may be displayed for a given design. Some of the main input and output parameters are listed below. Inputs: Type of lens – microstrip or stripline Impedance of lines Element spacing on the antenna Number of elements (up to 128)...

Remcom XGtd is a ray-based electromagnetic analysis tool for assessing the effects of a vehicle or vessel on antenna radiation, predicting coupling between antennas, and predicting radar cross section (RCS). It is ideally suited for applications with higher frequencies or very large platforms where the requirements of a full physics method may exceed available computational resources. Remcom XGtd 3.1.2 Tested Picture XGtd Ray-based EM Analysis Software Features XGtd’s capabilities extend well beyond standard ray tracing codes, incorporating techniques including Geometric Optics (GO), the Uniform Theory of Diffraction (UTD), Physical Optics (PO), and the Method of Equivalent Currents (MEC). XGtd provides high-fidelity outputs tailored to its intended applications. Computational methods include: Ray tracing methods: Shooting and bouncing ray and image theory...

Remcom XFdtd 3D EM Simulation Software provides engineers with powerful tools to shorten development time and release products to market sooner. Remcom XFdtd Tested Picture XFdtd 3D EM Simulation Software Features XF is full-wave 3D electromagnetic modeling software for analyzing EM field simulation in complex, high-fidelity devices. XF’s unique collection of features simplifies the analysis of even the most complex and massive problems. XF includes a specialized FDTD solver which outpaces other methods in efficiency as the number of unknowns increases. Learn more about the benefits of the FDTD method. XFdtd Applications A full-featured electromagnetic simulation solver, XFdtd 3D EM Simulation Software outpaces other methods in efficiency as the number of unknowns increases. XF includes full-wave, static, bio-thermal, optimization, and...

IntelliSuite v8.8 includes major updates for all software modules and the addition of a new tool, Parametric Designer. IntelliSense made its initial announcement at the recent IEEE MEMS 2014 conference in San Francisco, CA. Now, all IntelliSense customers will have access to the new software version. IntelliSuite include: Process modeling MEMaterial (Database and process optimization) AnisE (Silicon Wet Anisotropic Etch Simulation) RECIPE (RIE/ICP Simulator) IntelliFAB (Process visualization) FabViewer IntelliEtch Design Tools IntelliMask + Parametric Scripting 3D Builder (Meshing tool) Geometry Manipulator VisualEase Analysis Tools ThermoElectroMechanical Analysis Microfluidics and BioMEMS Analysis Electromagnetics and RF MEMS Analysis System Modeling SYNPLE Getting Started SYNPLE Element Library SYNPLE Advanced User Guide EDA Linker Some of the new features in IntelliSuite v8.8 include: Parametric Designer...