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QIAGEN CLC Genomics Workbench Premium expands upon QIAGEN CLC Genomics Workbench, the industry standard platform for bioinformatics computing. Plugins and modules add a layer of specialized tools and workflows to QIAGEN CLC Genomics Workbench, creating a comprehensive solution for microbial genomics, metagenomics and single cell data analyses. Microbial and metagenomics QIAGEN CLC Genomics Workbench Premium delivers tools and workflows for a broad range of bioinformatics needs for microbiome analysis, isolate characterization, functional metagenomics and antimicrobial resistance characterization. CLC Genomics Workbench Premium 25 Win/Linux Tested Picture Microbial profiling: Assemble and annotate high quality reference genomes for critical type strains, and manage your database of reference genomes. Pathogen and outbreak analysis: Leverage whole genome analysis for epidemiological outbreak investigation. Accurately type and...
The FVA-Workbench software simplifies the integration of current research results into industrial practice, thus accelerating drive technology The FVA-Workbench software simplifies the integration of current research results into industrial practice, thus accelerating drive technology development and innovation. Version 9.2 is more powerful than ever, offering a wide range of innovative functions that make gearbox design more efficient and reliable. The new version offers these highlights, and more: NURBS Optimizer: The new NURBS Optimizer simplifies the exact representation of bevel gear geometry by automatically determining the optimal parameters for NURBS surfaces. This ensures a high level of quality and minimizes potential error sources. Variant evaluation: This feature makes it easy to evaluate parameter variations. Different model snapshots can be saved, and...

Proteus WorkBench (PWB) is a powerful cockpit tool for the development and optimization of Proteus-based mask synthesis solutions. It is based on a powerful hierarchical GDSII/OASIS layout visualization and editing engine, providing a comprehensive environment for lithography simulation, compact model building, optical proximity correction (OPC) recipe tuning, litho rule checks, and mask synthesis flow development. Synopsys Proteus WorkBench 2023.12 Linux64 Tested Picture PWB offers an easy to use platform with access to a wide-ranging set of tools, enabling fast calibration of accurate models, supporting the optimization of highly efficient Proteus recipes for deployment in OPC and verification. As state-of-the-art lithography exposure tools are operated at their physical resolution limit, new mask and process technologies are being deployed to further shrink...

The Professional edition of The Geochemist’s Workbench 2023 is the complete suite of tools to meet every practicing geochemist’s needs. GWB Pro is your choice for computing phase diagrams and modeling reactive transport. One-dimensional and two-dimensional simulations of reactive transport in single and dual-porosity media, including bioreaction, stable isotopes, and migrating colloids, are a snap. Then animate your results and create video clips with a few clicks. Geochemist’s WorkBench(GWB) Professional 2023 v17.0.3 Tested Picture GWB Pro’s advanced algorithms and multithreaded design make it ideal for simulating the fate and transport of contaminants in flowing ground and surface water. In addition to reactive transport, GWB Pro models kinetic and equilibrium reaction in multicomponent systems, calculates Eh-pH and activity diagrams, and creates a spectrum of specialty plots. You can balance reactions, calculate equilibrium constants,...
Maptek Workbench is the central place to access and manage all of your Maptek desktop applications. It offers the following key benefits: Single integrated workspace Access all of your Maptek applications within a single, consistent interface. Open multiple applications and tools simultaneously and share data easily between applications. Customise Workbench to suit your needs. Maptek Account integration Straightforward licensing and management of licensed applications, including downloading and upgrading to latest application versions. Maptek Extend Get more out of your Maptek applications by taking advantage of Maptek Extend features including Maptek Workflows and Maptek Python SDK.
Altair Analytics Workbench is a sophisticated coding environment that’s ideal for developing models and programs written in the SAS language. With it, developers can include Python, R, or SQL code in their SAS language programs, and it requires no third-party software to run SAS language programs. The platform also provides a drag-and-drop workflow where users can develop models and programs without writing any code. Key Features Visual Workflow Environment Build workflows with drag-and-drop interactive blocks to provide the perfect combination of low-level data engineering facilities for retrieving, blending, and preparing data for analysis, along with machine learning features that let you build, explore, and validate reproducible predictive models. Enhance workflows with programmable blocks coded in the languages of SAS, SQL,...