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DHI WEST 2025-Engsofts


WEST software is a sophisticated simulation tool used by operators and engineers to optimise plant design, operations and automation by targeting effluent quality, energy and cost. Make WEST your modelling platform of choice Plant Operators Investigate the complex process dynamics and interactions that characterise a modern WWTP. Evaluate treatment performance resulting from changes in the sewage composition and in operational strategy, using highly customisable dashboards. Wastewater Engineers & Consultants Support the design of new facilities and upgrades of existing ones. Identify actions to optimise and improve operational efficiency. Researchers Evaluate alternatives within a reasonable time frame. Develop and implement custom process models , automate objective evaluation and advanced statistical analysis.

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DHI WEST 2024 Update1-Engsofts

DHI WEST 2024 Update1

DHI WEST is the tool of choice for dynamic modelling and simulation of wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) and other types of water quality-related systems. DHI WEST 2024 Update1 Tested Picture It is designed for operators, engineers and researchers interested in studying physical, biological or chemical processes in WWTPs, sewer systems and rivers. WEST offers an extensive, customisable model library, stellar simulation speed and advanced numerical algorithms, under the hood of a modern, state-of-the-art user interface. Control strategies can easily be implemented and reports can be generated automatically. Finally, a software development kit (SDK) for integration with other software systems as well as high performance computing (HPC) capabilities are available.

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