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VPIphotonics VPIdeviceDesigner 2024 v2.7-Engsofts

VPIphotonics VPIdeviceDesigner 2024 v2.7

VPIdeviceDesigner™ is a versatile simulation framework for the analysis and optimization of integrated photonic devices, waveguides, and optical fibers. TICRA Tools 23.1 Tested Picture This powerful design tool offers a set of full-vectorial finite-difference mode solvers for waveguide analysis as well as a beam propagation method (BPM) and an eigenmode expansion method (EME) for simulating 2D and 3D photonic devices. VPIdeviceDesigner supports the flexible definition of 2D waveguide cross-sections and 3D device layouts with realistic (dispersive, temperature-dependent, etc.) optical materials, widely customizable nonuniform meshing, and perfectly matched layers. VPIdeviceDesigner provides a user-friendly object-oriented Python interface, which is closely integrated with the Python-based ecosystem of open-source software for mathematics, science, and engineering, including the libraries NumPy, SciPy, and the comprehensive 2D...

VPIphotonics Design Suite 2024 v11.5-Engsofts

VPIphotonics Design Suite 2024 v11.5

VPIphotonics Design Suite Version 11.5 provides access to professional application-specific simulation tools and add-on toolkits for photonic components and optical transmission systems. They offer flexible usability, design process, and analysis capabilities. Version 11.5 advances the simulation and design flow for many applications, including direct detection and coherent transmission systems, free-space optics-based satellite communications, spatial division multiplexing, passive photonic devices, semiconductor optical lasers and amplifiers, and many more.Our software solutions have utilized numerous commercial companies and educational institutions to win and successfully execute many research and design projects. With the improved capabilities provided in Version 11.5, our design suite is set to deliver the same outstanding results in the future. VPIphotonics Design Suite 2024 v11.5 Tested Picture Among the new Modeling Capabilities...

