VPIphotonics VPIdeviceDesigner 2024 v2.7
VPIdeviceDesigner™ is a versatile simulation framework for the analysis and optimization of integrated photonic devices, waveguides, and optical fibers. TICRA Tools 23.1 Tested Picture This powerful design tool offers a set of full-vectorial finite-difference mode solvers for waveguide analysis as well as a beam propagation method (BPM) and an eigenmode expansion method (EME) for simulating 2D and 3D photonic devices. VPIdeviceDesigner supports the flexible definition of 2D waveguide cross-sections and 3D device layouts with realistic (dispersive, temperature-dependent, etc.) optical materials, widely customizable nonuniform meshing, and perfectly matched layers. VPIdeviceDesigner provides a user-friendly object-oriented Python interface, which is closely integrated with the Python-based ecosystem of open-source software for mathematics, science, and engineering, including the libraries NumPy, SciPy, and the comprehensive 2D...