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Altair AI Studio 2025.0.1 Win/Linux64-Engsofts

Altair AI Studio 2025.0.1 Win/Linux64

Altair AI Studio(RapidMiner Studio) incorporates the new Altair RapidMiner platform branding across the entire application. With this rebranding, we’ve introduced a new splash screen and a logo to welcome you to Altair AI Studio. Altair AI Studio 2025.0 is now shipped with Java 17. The release is compatible with AI Hub 2025.0 and previous versions (10.x and 2024.x) of Altair AI Hub. Altair AI Studio 2024.0.0 Win/Linux64 Tested Picture Enhancements and Updates Updated Mac OS support: Altair AI Studio 2025.0 is now supported only for Mac OS versions 13 or higher. This release also fixes the issues with the anti-virus system, tagging AI Studio as malicious on Mac OS. Updated i18n operator docs: This release contains more i18n support for...

Altair RapidMiner Studio 10.2-Engsofts

Altair RapidMiner Studio 10.2

Altair RapidMiner can help overcome the most challenging obstacles in your way. We offer a path to modernization for established data analytics teams as well as a path to automation for teams just getting started. We do this without requiring your organization to radically change your people, processes, computing environment, or existing data landscape, helping you achieve your data goals without changing who you are or what you have. Whether your organization requires an end-to-end data science platform or point solutions, Altair RapidMiner enables you to deliver the right tool at the right time to your diverse teams.

