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AnyLogic is the leading simulation modeling software for business applications, utilized worldwide by over 40% of Fortune 100 companies. AnyLogic simulation models enable analysts, engineers, and managers to gain deeper insights and optimize complex systems and processes across a wide range of industries. Multimethod modeling environment Develop models using all three modern simulation methods: Discrete Event Agent Based System Dynamics The three methods can be used in any combination, with one software, to simulate business systems of any complexity. In AnyLogic, you can use various visual modeling languages: process flowcharts, statecharts, action charts, and stock & flow diagrams. Opration Platforms: Ubuntu Linux 18 and 20, x64 (with installed GTK+, libwebkitgtk-1.0-0, libudev, libssl), Firefox 24+ Linux Mint 17, x64 (with installed...

anyLogistix is the supply chain analytics software to design, optimize and analyze your company supply chain. It combines powerful analytical optimization approaches together with innovative simulation technologies offering you a comprehensive set of tools for end-to-end supply chain analytics. By leveraging both simulation and optimization methods you are never limited by the lack of modeling technology when approaching a supply chain problem, further enabling you to gain deeper insights into your company supply chain which are not possible with traditional solutions. anyLogistix Professional 3.2.1 Tested Picture NETWORK DESIGN & OPTIMIZATION Carry out Greenfield analysis to find the number of facilities and their locations with minimum data input. Perform multi-echelon Greenfield analysis for all tiers of your network. Determine the best supply chain...

The Professional edition of The Geochemist’s Workbench 2023 is the complete suite of tools to meet every practicing geochemist’s needs. GWB Pro is your choice for computing phase diagrams and modeling reactive transport. One-dimensional and two-dimensional simulations of reactive transport in single and dual-porosity media, including bioreaction, stable isotopes, and migrating colloids, are a snap. Then animate your results and create video clips with a few clicks. Geochemist’s WorkBench(GWB) Professional 2023 v17.0.3 Tested Picture GWB Pro’s advanced algorithms and multithreaded design make it ideal for simulating the fate and transport of contaminants in flowing ground and surface water. In addition to reactive transport, GWB Pro models kinetic and equilibrium reaction in multicomponent systems, calculates Eh-pH and activity diagrams, and creates a spectrum of specialty plots. You can balance reactions, calculate equilibrium constants,...
SmartPLS is a milestone in latent variable modeling. It combines state of the art methods (e.g., PLS-POS, IPMA, complex bootstrapping routines) with an easy to use and intuitive graphical user interface. martPLS is progressing with leaps and bounds while other SEM applications (e.g., AMOS, Mplus, Lisrel) have been stagnant for decades. SmartPLS has always been more user-friendly than other SEM applications, but now with covariance-based capabilities, it’s a one-stop-shop for SEM. Its intuitive design simplifies complex modeling tasks, making it the go-to software for researchers. SmartPLS is alive and constantly adding more features and improving usability in reports and analysis. SmartPLS is truly the AMOS killer! I’m never going back.