Datamine Studio NPVS 2024 v2.1.308
Studio NPVS is an end-to-end strategic mine planning solution that enables mine engineers to optimise the physical mine geometry and long-term schedules of open pit deposits. Studio NPVS supports all tasks including data preparation, pit optimisation, pushback generation, cut-off grade optimisation, scheduling, haulage optimisation, and stockpile management. The innovative pushback generator and advanced scheduling capabilities ensure practical results which consider implications over the entire life of the mine. Built on Datamine Studio’s core platform, mine planners also benefit from onboard graphical visualisation and editing tools, enabling them to complete entire strategic planning studies within a single platform. Datamine Studio NPVS 2024 v2.1.308 Tested Picture Studio NPVS 2.1 continues the evolution of Sensitivity Analysis tools. You can now interrupt a batch...