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MSC Marc and Mentat 2024.1 Win/Linux-Engsofts

MSC Marc and Mentat 2024.1 Win/Linux

Marc 2024.1 includes full support for units during pre-processing, new temperature-dependent superelements, a new non-linear advanced friction model, enhancements for defining the initial conditions of a simulation from previous analysis, improvements for modelling the temperature dependency of the mechanical behaviour of rubbers or elastomers, and robustness improvements for the hybrid contact algorithm. MSC Marc and Mentat 2024.1 Tested Picture Release Highlights Key highlights of Marc 2024.1 include: Full unit support for pre-processing The user interface for Marc/Mentat was already capable of indicating dimensions for any user-specified simulation parameter value. In this release, however, Mentat includes unit settings for every parameter. Users can now define their preferred unit system when they create a new model and can change the defined unit...

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CivilFEM 2024 powered by Marc-Engsofts

CivilFEM 2024 powered by Marc

CivilFEM powered by Marc is a very powerful and versatile program suitable for all the types of advanced analyses performed in all construction sectors, providing a rich set of tools and unique capabilities that streamline the creation of analysis models for Construction, Dams, CAE, Forensic Structural Analysis, Seismic design, Soil-structure interaction, Foundations, Tunnels, Rock and soil mechanic analyses, Skyscrapers, Geotechnics, Mining, Energy, Oil&Gas, Precast, Power Plants: Nuclear, Hydraulic… or any other Civil Engineering major infrastructure.

