Thermo Fisher Scientific Lipidsearch 5.1
Lipids are key components of living organisms and an essential contributor to cell processes. Lipidomics, the study of lipid component of a system, has recently gained an increasing importance with recent major discoveries of lipid roles in cell-signaling and vital biological processes beyond the established functions as membrane building blocks and energy storage. Lipidomics and lipid profiling, using Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS) is a rapidly growing are in translational medical research. The Thermo Scientific™ LipidSearch™ software processes LC-MS data, including the high-resolution accurate-mass (HRAM) data generated by Thermo Scientific™ Orbitrap™ -based mass spectrometers, to provide accurate lipid identification, relative quantitation, statistical analysis and results visualization. LipidSearch mines data, even those acquired under advanced workflows such as multiple activation types...