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LSTC LS-OPT 2022R2 Linux

LS-OPT is a stand­alone De­sign Op­ti­miza­tion and Prob­a­bilis­tic Analy­sis pack­age with an in­ter­face to LS-DY­NA. In the “con­ven­tion­al de­sign” ap­proach, a de­sign is im­proved by eval­u­at­ing its “re­sponse” and mak­ing de­sign changes based on ex­pe­ri­ence or in­tu­ition. This ap­proach does not al­ways lead to the de­sired re­sult, that of a ‘best’ de­sign, since the de­sign ob­jec­tives are of­ten in con­flict. It is there­fore not al­ways clear how to change the de­sign to achieve the best com­pro­mise of these ob­jec­tives. A sys­tem­at­ic ap­proach can be ob­tained by us­ing an in­verse process of first spec­i­fy­ing the cri­te­ria and then com­put­ing the ‘best’ de­sign ac­cord­ing to a for­mu­la­tion. The im­prove­ment pro­ce­dure that in­cor­po­rates de­sign cri­te­ria in­to a math­e­mat­i­cal frame­work is re­ferred to as...

CoventorMP 2022 v2.101 Linux

CoventorMP 2.1 (MEMS+ 7.101 and CoventorWare 11.101) provides 3D MEMS simulation, analysis, and design automation software for the development of micro- and nano-scale devices and systems. These modules cover the full MEMS design flow for system-level simulation, layout generation, and finite element analysis (FEA) and model generators for IC simulators. The list includes: CoventorWare Designer for MEMS physical design, including process layout and solid modelling CoventorWare Analyzer for preprocessing, field solving and visualizing results MEMS+ Simulator for reduced-order model extraction MEMS+ Innovator for assembling a MEMS device using 3D parametric components MEMS+ Scene3D for looking at MEMS+ Simulator, MATLAB/Simulink, or Cadence’s Virtuoso results in 3D A 2D Layout Editor was introduced in 2018 CoventorMP 2.101 for Red Hat Enterprise Linux Desktop 6 and 7, 64-bit New features...

Altair Twin Activate 2023.0 Linux

Altair Twin Activate is an open and flexible integration solution that enables whole system simulation with real-time digital twin deployment through any stage of the product lifecycle. Through a unique block-diagram modeling environment, teams can model systems and systems-of-systems of any complexity. They can then test and predict system performance under various conditions using Altair’s digital twin solution that converges multidisciplinary, multiphysics simulation with revolutionary artificial intelligence (AI), data analytics, and high-performance computing (HPC) technologies. Twin Activate’s purpose-driven simulation capabilities facilitate mixed-fidelity modeling that helps teams define simulation areas of interest. This efficient approach saves time and resources while quickly generating the most meaningful analyses possible. What’s more, unparalleled collaboration is the key; teams from different engineering domains can contribute...


LS-DYNA is the most used explicit simulation program in the world and is capable of simulating the response of materials to short periods of severe loading. Its many elements, contact formulations, material models and other controls can be used to simulate complex models with control over all the details of the problem. Ansys LS-DYNA applications include: Explosion / Penetration Bird Strike Crashworthiness / Airbag Simulations Splashing / Hydroplaning / Sloshing Incompressible and Compressible Fluids Stamping / Forming / Drawing / Forging Biomedical and Medical Devices Simulations Drop Test of All Forms Impacts Product Misuse / Severe Loadings Product Failure / Fragmentation Large Plasticity in Mechanisms Sports Equipment Design Manufacturing Processes Like Machining / Cutting / Drawing Vehicle Crash and Occupant Safety

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Converge Studio v3.0.15 Linux

CONVERGE 3.0 is a major release that offers significant improvements in computational efficiency, robust and easy-to-use new file formats, and a host of new physical models and other features. These improvements include Spatial tools for CAD file import, multiple options for converting input files from previous versions, the ability to apply a surface roughness, a new tool for monitoring passives, and a diff tool to allow for easy comparison of input files.

