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PowerPro offers the most comprehensive set of features to RTL designers to “design-for-low-power”. It offers power estimation for both RTL and Gate-level designs, early power checks to quickly find power issues during RTL development and clock and memory gating to optimize the design for power. PowerPro Power Analysis & Optimization Platform PowerPro offers the most comprehensive set of features to RTL designers to “design-for-low-power”. It offers power analysis for both RTL and gate-level designs, early power checks to quickly find power issues during RTL development and clock and memory gating to optimize the design for power. RTL Power Estimation PowerPro RTL Power Estimation delivers highly accurate estimations that are within 10% of signoff. This technology is built on advanced engines...
Tessent Silicon Lifecycle Management solutions include advanced debug, safety & security features and in-life data analytics to meet the evolving challenges of today’s silicon lifecycle. Ensure the highest test quality, accelerate yield ramp and improve safety, security and reliability across the silicon lifecycle using best-in-class solutions for design-for-test (DFT), debug and in-life monitoring plus powerful data analytics. Tessent Advanced DFT Address the challenges of in-system test for today’s complex SoCs and chiplets with market-leading logic and memory test products that combine capabilities in a powerful test flow to ensure total chip coverage. Tessent Embedded Analytics Close productivity gaps using actionable insights from embedded analytics that shorten total development time, accelerate debug and reduce risk and cost to ensure timely market...
Precision offers vendor-independent FPGA synthesis. It provides best-in-class performance and area, high-reliability design capabilities and tight links to simulation and formal equivalency checking. Siemens offers three unique FPGA synthesis solutions – Precision Hi-Rel, Precision RTL Plus and Precision RTL. Precision’s products are tightly integrated with Siemens’ FormalPro LEC for equivalency checking and HDL Designer for design capture and design verification using ModelSim/Questa. Precision RTL Precision RTL, Siemens entry-level FPGA synthesis product, offers best-in-class quality of results with a vendor-independent FPGA synthesis solution. Precision RTL Plus Precision RTL Plus, adds DO-254 certification utilities for mil-aero applications, on-chip debug and validation and resource optimization for DSPs and RAMs. Precision Hi-Rel Precision Hi-Rel, enhances Precision RTL Plus with automated mitigation of SEUs/SETs in...
Altair Grid Engine is a leading distributed resource management system for optimizing workloads and resources in thousands of data centers, improving performance and boosting productivity and efficiency. Altair Grid Engine helps organizations improve ROI and deliver better results faster by optimizing throughput and performance of applications, containers, and services while maximizing shared compute resources across on-premises, hybrid, and cloud infrastructures. Key Features Advanced GPU Support Support new frameworks and maximize use of GPU resources on-premises and in the cloud. Cloud-friendly Features Easily deploy and scale dedicated and hybrid HPC clusters in your choice of cloud. Extreme Performance and Scale Proven in 1M+ core/vCPU clusters to improve performance and reduce time to results. Monitoring and Reporting Track and measure resource utilization...

GT-SUITE 2023.2 is the industry-leading simulation tool with capabilities and libraries aimed at a wide variety of applications and industries. It offers engineers functionalities ranging from fast concept design to detailed system or sub-system/component analyses, design optimization, and root cause investigation.Support OS:RHEL 7, 8, & 9,SLES 12,13,14 64Bit As usual, this version is full of developments that will keep you innovating regardless of your industry or focus area. Additionally, there are many updates specific to this build. Some feature enhancements and updates include: A new vanadium SCR example model A new methane fuel reformer example model A new example that demonstrates modeling of the stop-start of an engine in a vehicle model The Hiroyasu soot model is available in GT-POWER-xRT...

LS-OPT is a standalone Design Optimization and Probabilistic Analysis package with an interface to LS-DYNA. In the “conventional design” approach, a design is improved by evaluating its “response” and making design changes based on experience or intuition. This approach does not always lead to the desired result, that of a ‘best’ design, since the design objectives are often in conflict. It is therefore not always clear how to change the design to achieve the best compromise of these objectives. A systematic approach can be obtained by using an inverse process of first specifying the criteria and then computing the ‘best’ design according to a formulation. The improvement procedure that incorporates design criteria into a mathematical framework is referred to as...
CoventorMP 2.1 (MEMS+ 7.101 and CoventorWare 11.101) provides 3D MEMS simulation, analysis, and design automation software for the development of micro- and nano-scale devices and systems. These modules cover the full MEMS design flow for system-level simulation, layout generation, and finite element analysis (FEA) and model generators for IC simulators. The list includes: CoventorWare Designer for MEMS physical design, including process layout and solid modelling CoventorWare Analyzer for preprocessing, field solving and visualizing results MEMS+ Simulator for reduced-order model extraction MEMS+ Innovator for assembling a MEMS device using 3D parametric components MEMS+ Scene3D for looking at MEMS+ Simulator, MATLAB/Simulink, or Cadence’s Virtuoso results in 3D A 2D Layout Editor was introduced in 2018 CoventorMP 2.101 for Red Hat Enterprise Linux Desktop 6 and 7, 64-bit New features...

LS-DYNA is the most used explicit simulation program in the world and is capable of simulating the response of materials to short periods of severe loading. Its many elements, contact formulations, material models and other controls can be used to simulate complex models with control over all the details of the problem. Ansys LS-DYNA applications include: Explosion / Penetration Bird Strike Crashworthiness / Airbag Simulations Splashing / Hydroplaning / Sloshing Incompressible and Compressible Fluids Stamping / Forming / Drawing / Forging Biomedical and Medical Devices Simulations Drop Test of All Forms Impacts Product Misuse / Severe Loadings Product Failure / Fragmentation Large Plasticity in Mechanisms Sports Equipment Design Manufacturing Processes Like Machining / Cutting / Drawing Vehicle Crash and Occupant Safety