Altair SimLab is a process-driven multidisciplinary simulation environment designed to accurately analyze the performance of complex assemblies. This software allows you to perform CAD parametric analysis or advanced multi-physics analysis in just a few minutes. Altair SimLab 2025.0 Linux64 Tested Picture You can easily set up multiple physics including fluid dynamics, building dynamics, and thermal dynamics using an automated modeling system and significantly reduce the construction time of finite element models. The powerful Altair SimLab optimizer system can run locally, on a server, or in the cloud, and performs product analysis accurately. Altair SimLab software has an attractive and functional graphical interface that covers all aspects of the modeling process. Opration System:RHEL 8.4/Rocky 8.4/SLES 15 SP3 Linux 64Bit

Altair Inspire Extrude is an easy-to-use tool for simulating metal extrusion, polymer extrusion, and friction stir welding processes to detect potential defects early in the product development phase and improve the process efficiency. It uses Altair HyperXtrude solver to simulate these processes. In this short video we’ll demonstrate a typical workflow for polymer extrusion simulation. Altair Inspire Extrude 2025.0 Linux Tested Picture Altair HyperXtrude is a suite of finite element solvers for simulating the following manufacturing processes. These solutions have interfaces in Inspire; the HyperXtrude solver is also called the Inspire Extrude Solver. Binder Jet Sintering Metal Extrusion Polymer Extrusion Quenching Calibration Metal Rolling Friction Stir Welding Resin Transfer Molding Highlights Elastoplastic quenching warpage analysis Nose cone animation for transient...

Altair Inspire is an intuitive, powerful family of integrated software products that accelerates simulation-driven design throughout the product development lifecycle, from concept to reality, while reducing product time-to-market. Altair Inspire 2025.0 Linux Tested Picture Used early in the design process, Inspire enables the creation of designs focused on both performance and manufacturability. Inspire empowers its users to explore, develop, and manufacture high-performance products in a single, intuitive environment. Key Features Geometry Creation and Simplification Create, modify, and de-feature solid models using Inspire’s modeling tools. Leverage the speed and accuracy of SimSolid to evaluate multiple variants. Lattice Structures Open the world of lattice structures for optimized design performance with one-click implicit design tools and join the additive manufacturing revolution. Industrial Design...

Altair Inspire Form is a complete stamping simulation environment that can effectively be used by product designers and process engineers to optimize designs, simulate robust manufacturing and reduce material costs. Altair Inspire Form 2025.0 Linux Tested Picture With the fast and easy feasibility module, users can analyze parts in seconds to predict formability early in the product development cycle. The automated blank nesting proposes an efficient layout of the flattened blank on the sheet coil to maximize material utilization. The tryout module includes a highly scalable incremental solver, helping users to iterate and simulate multi-stage forming, trimming and springback in a modern and intuitive user interface, reducing complexity and making the production of high quality parts more economical. Altair Inspire...

Altair Mechanical Solvers 2025.0 Linux Altair OptiStruct is a state-of-the-art finite element solver for linear and nonlinear structural problems. It employs implicit integration schemes for static and dynamic problems. Besides mechanical loading, heat transfer coupled with structures is also available.OptiStruct is designed with optimization at the core. The majority of solution sequences are available for optimization. A wide range of design problems can be solved addressing concept design and design fine tuning. In addition, Altair Radioss and Altair MotionSolve have been integrated to address multi-disciplinary optimization involving crash and impact, and multibody systems, respectively. The optimization capabilities of OptiStruct are innovative and market-leading.Altair OptiStruct 2025 Release Notes Altair Radioss is a leading structural analysis solver for highly nonlinear problems under...

Altair EDEM software,accurately simulates the behavior of rocks, soils, gravel, grains, tablets and powders and their interaction with equipment during a range of operation and process conditions. EDEM is used globally in all industries that handle or process bulk and granular materials, from heavy equipment and off-road, to mining, metals, as well as process manufacturing. Altair EDEM 2025.0 Linux64 Tested Picture The key features in EDEM version 2025: Volume Packing Volume Packing has the following major updates to improve usability and functionality: The ability to set Total Mass instead of Solid Fraction The EDEM Simulator Progress Bar now indicates the progress of Volume Packing prior to the start of a simulation The ability to cancel Volume Packing before completion, with particles being retained...

Altair Flux models even the most complex electromechanical systems with proven accuracy. It provides multiphysics capabilities – magneto static, steady-state, and transient conditions, along with electrical and thermal properties – to optimize machine performance, efficiency, dimensions, cost, and weight, and it is used to develop sensors and actuators, in addition to high-power electrical equipment including transformers, insulator, power bars, and circuit breakers. Altair Flux 2025.0 Linux64 Tested Picture Flux is used widely across multiple industries such as transportation, electrical equipment, and consumer goods to develop more efficient electrical systems with higher levels of connectivity. Flux addresses the broadest set of electromagnetic, electric, and thermal simulations, and is closely linked to Altair global solutions for multidisciplinary design exploration and optimization. It...

Altair Twin Activate is an open and flexible integration solution that enables whole system simulation with real-time digital twin deployment through any stage of the product lifecycle. Altair Twin Activate 2025.0 Linux Tested Picture Through a unique block-diagram modeling environment, teams can model systems and systems-of-systems of any complexity. They can then test and predict system performance under various conditions using Altair’s digital twin solution that converges multidisciplinary, multiphysics simulation with revolutionary artificial intelligence (AI), data analytics, and high-performance computing (HPC) technologies. Twin Activate’s purpose-driven simulation capabilities facilitate mixed-fidelity modeling that helps teams define simulation areas of interest. This efficient approach saves time and resources while quickly generating the most meaningful analyses possible. What’s more, unparalleled collaboration is the key;...

Altair Feko is the leading tool for antenna design, placement and coupling, virtual test drives and flights, radio frequency interference, radar and radio coverage and planning, and spectrum management. Feko uniquely combines installed antenna performance with wireless coverage analysis, and its hybridized and parallelized solvers handle complex and electrically large analysis problems. Altair FEKO 2025.0 Linux64 Tested Picture Additionally, Feko offers specialized wave propagation technologies and models through its Altair® WinProp™ and Altair® WRAP™ capabilities. WinProp is especially useful for detailed, urban, and indoor radio-coverage planning, network roll-out, and comparative design deployment needed for heterogeneous outdoor-indoor scenarios. WRAP supports network coverage, planning, colocation, and interference analysis and frequency administration over large regions spanning land, sea, and air for a variety...

QIAGEN CLC Genomics Workbench Premium expands upon QIAGEN CLC Genomics Workbench, the industry standard platform for bioinformatics computing. Plugins and modules add a layer of specialized tools and workflows to QIAGEN CLC Genomics Workbench, creating a comprehensive solution for microbial genomics, metagenomics and single cell data analyses. Microbial and metagenomics QIAGEN CLC Genomics Workbench Premium delivers tools and workflows for a broad range of bioinformatics needs for microbiome analysis, isolate characterization, functional metagenomics and antimicrobial resistance characterization. CLC Genomics Workbench Premium 25 Win/Linux Tested Picture Microbial profiling: Assemble and annotate high quality reference genomes for critical type strains, and manage your database of reference genomes. Pathogen and outbreak analysis: Leverage whole genome analysis for epidemiological outbreak investigation. Accurately type and...