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IntelliSense IntelliSuite 8.8-Engsofts

IntelliSense IntelliSuite 8.8

IntelliSuite v8.8 includes major updates for all software modules and the addition of a new tool, Parametric Designer. IntelliSense made its initial announcement at the recent IEEE MEMS 2014 conference in San Francisco, CA. Now, all IntelliSense customers will have access to the new software version. IntelliSuite include: Process modeling MEMaterial (Database and process optimization) AnisE (Silicon Wet Anisotropic Etch Simulation) RECIPE (RIE/ICP Simulator) IntelliFAB (Process visualization) FabViewer IntelliEtch Design Tools IntelliMask + Parametric Scripting 3D Builder (Meshing tool) Geometry Manipulator VisualEase Analysis Tools ThermoElectroMechanical Analysis Microfluidics and BioMEMS Analysis Electromagnetics and RF MEMS Analysis System Modeling SYNPLE Getting Started SYNPLE Element Library SYNPLE Advanced User Guide EDA Linker Some of the new features in IntelliSuite v8.8 include: Parametric Designer...

