FTI FormingSuite 2024.1
FTI FormingSuite is the premier cost engineering and early feasibility software for sheet metal components. It empowers engineers to design quality products the first time, optimizing material and tooling costs. FTI FormingSuite 2024.1 Release Highlights Hexagon is proud to announce the availability of FTI FormingSuite 2024.1. Some of the key highlights of FTI FormingSuite 2024.1 release are: Line Die Plan in Automated Costing System (ACS) What is it? Prog Die Process (PDP) has been introduced into ACS, enabling automated tool costing for progressive dies What is in it for you? Automated tool costing is now available for progressive dies Improved Regeneration for Prog Die Process Workflow What is it? Improved regeneration for Prog Die Process workflow when changes are made...