Altair FEKO 2025.0 Linux64
Altair Feko is the leading tool for antenna design, placement and coupling, virtual test drives and flights, radio frequency interference, radar and radio coverage and planning, and spectrum management. Feko uniquely combines installed antenna performance with wireless coverage analysis, and its hybridized and parallelized solvers handle complex and electrically large analysis problems. Altair FEKO 2025.0 Linux64 Tested Picture Additionally, Feko offers specialized wave propagation technologies and models through its Altair® WinProp™ and Altair® WRAP™ capabilities. WinProp is especially useful for detailed, urban, and indoor radio-coverage planning, network roll-out, and comparative design deployment needed for heterogeneous outdoor-indoor scenarios. WRAP supports network coverage, planning, colocation, and interference analysis and frequency administration over large regions spanning land, sea, and air for a variety...