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ETA VPG Suite 2023R1-Engsofts

ETA VPG Suite 2023R1

VPG Suite is a virtual proving ground software solution that assists engineers’ understanding of true system performance under various conditions, providing early system-level validation. VPG Suite is an LS-DYNA plugin vertical application toolbox to assist product design and development for transportation industries. For years, VPG has helped engineers understand true system performance and provide early system-level validation through virtual proving grounds simulations. The all-new VPG Suite 2023 accomplishes this goal and much more. VPG Suite 2023 introduces new features and capabilities across pre-processing, post-processing, and safety modules. Pre-Processing Added Sweep/Tetra/Drag meshing functions. Added Along edge/By path for element selection functions. Added Tag function. Added Point to Face measurement function. Added Section Cut tool. Safety Pedestrian Protection module has supported regulation...

ETA Inventium PreSys 2021R1-Engsofts

ETA Inventium PreSys 2021R1

Inventium PreSys is an engineering simulation solution for the development of finite element analysis models. It offers an intuitive user interface with many streamlined functions, allowing fewer operation steps with a minimum amount of data entry along the way. Using PreSys, the user can analyze product designs, view simulation results and analyze/predict how the product will perform in a given circumstance.

