Silvaco offers a full IC-CAD design flow including design capture, circuit simulation, layout design, physical verification, parasitic extraction and reduction, and post-layout analysis including statistical variation, and yield analysis. Silvaco SmartSpice Pro 2024 v5.9.2 Linux64 Tested Picture Schematic Editor Gateway is a highly productive environment with intuitive editing, capacity to support large and complex hierarchical or flat designs, ability to automatically generate symbols from existing legacy netlists and support for industry standard netlist and interface formats. It features tight integrations to Silvaco TCAD and analog custom design tools. Layout Editor Expert is a hierarchical IC layout editor featuring high capacity and flexible use across many silicon technologies in analog, mixed-signal, RF and digital circuits. As a key part of Silvaco’s custom IC...

Custom WaveView™ ADV provides a complete transistorlevel analysis and debugging environment for pre-processing and post-processing SPICE and FastSPICE simulations. Custom WaveView ADV is integrated with Synopsys’ HSPICE®, FineSim® and CustomSim™ to streamline the debugging and analysis process for SPICE and FastSPICE simulation and increase design productivity. The combination of Custom WaveView ADV with Synopsys circuit simulators provides design teams with a high-performance,productive simulation debug and analysis environment for complex SoC design. Synopsys Custom WaveView ADV 2024.09 Win/Linux64 Tested Picture Custom WaveView ADV is a netlist-based debugging environment for SPICE and FastSPICE simulators such as HSPICE, FineSim and CustomSim. Custom WaveView ADV is also tightly integrated with Custom WaveView, enabling waveform cross-probing. Together, these tools aid designers in rapidly performing customized...

The Synopsys Custom Compiler™ design environment is a modern solution for full-custom analog, custom digital, and mixed-signal IC design. As the heart of the Synopsys Custom Design Family Custom Compiler provides design entry, simulation management and analysis, and custom layout editing features. It delivers industry-leading productivity, performance, and ease-of-use while remaining easy to adopt for users of legacy tools. Synopsys Custom Compiler 2023.12-SP1 Linux64 Tested Picture The Custom Compiler design environment includes features for mixed-signal design entry, design debug, simulation management, analysis, and reporting. For layout, Custom Compiler provides fast and user-friendly polygon editing features and boosts productivity with its pioneering visually-assisted automation flow. Visually assisted automation is an innovative approach that delivers 2-10X better layout productivity—especially for difficult FinFET-based...