Cradle CFD 2024.1
Cradle CFD 2024.1 as a Multiphysics Computational Fluid Dynamics solution to enhance your productivity for designing, researching, and manufacturing. The packages of scFLOW, scSTREAM, HeatDesigner, SC/Tetra, PICLS, CADthru and scPOST are all integrated into Cradle CFD. What’s New in Cradle CFD 2024.1 The release of Cradle CFD 2024.1 features new battery analysis capabilities, advanced aeroacoustics analysis, improved multiphase flow and turbulence modeling, and cutting-edge stability and accuracy enhancements. Notable productivity enhancements include automated mesh refinement for curved geometry features, improved boundary layer mesh creation, increased CAD manipulation speed, and an efficient single-blade passage model extraction for turbomachinery. This release also extends support of ARM architectures for scFLOW. These improvements highlight our dedication to transforming complex behaviors into actionable engineering insights...