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Total 3 posts


Cadence Common Patcher with License Generater 2023-2024

Cadence Common Patcher with License Generater Tool for 2023-2024 Cadence Assura Physical Verification: Update_ASSURA04.16.001-618 (2.95GB) Cadence AWR Design Environment v24.1:Base_AWR24.10.000 (1.41GB) Cadence Digital Design Implementation (DDI) System 23.10.000(46.53GB) Cadence EMX Planar 3D Solver 2023.1 Linux64 Cadence Integrated Circuit (Advanced Node Virtuoso): ICADVM 20.10.280(11.53GB) Cadence Extraction Tools (Quantus QRC): Base_QUANTUS23.11.000 (3.25GB) Cadence Encounter Conformal: Base_CONFRML22.10.100 (2.84GB) Cadence Genus Synthesis Solution: Base_GENUS23.10.300 (1.52GB) Cadence Helium Virtual and Hybrid Studio:Base_HELIUM22.04.000 (4.08GB) Cadence Indago Debug Platform: Base_INDAGO22.03.00 (2.17GB) Cadence Incisive vManager: Base_VMANAGER23.09.002 (1.87GB) Cadence Innovus Implementation System: Base_INNOVUS21.10.000 (11.16GB) Cadence Integrated Circuit (Virtuoso): Hotfix_IC06.18.250 (15.50GB) Cadence IXCOM:Base_IXCOM22.04.000 (1.51GB) Cadence JasperGold Apps: Base_JASPER24.03.000 (1.15GB) Cadence JED AI 23.10.000 (5.98GB) Cadence Joules RTL Power Analysis: Base_JLS21.10.000 (2.11GB) Cadence Manufacturability and Variability Sign-Off: MVS15.20.000 Cadence Metric-Driven Verification:...

Cadence Xtensa Xplorer 2021 v9.0.18-Engsofts

Cadence Xtensa Xplorer 2021 v9.0.18

Xtensa Xplorer serves as a cockpit for basic design management, invocation of Tensilica processor configuration tools (Xtensa processor generator, TIE Compiler) and software development tools. Xtensa Xplorer is particularly useful for the development of TIE (Tensilica Instruction Extension) instructions – designer-defined instruction extensions to the Xtensa processor – that maximize performance for a particular application. Different Xtensa processor and TIE configurations can be saved, profiled against the target C/C++ software, and compared. Xtensa Xplorer even includes automated graphing tools that create spreadsheet-style comparison charts of performance. Xtensa Xplorer dramatically accelerates the processor optimization cycle by providing an automated, visual means of profiling and comparing different processor configurations. Since it only takes an hour for the Xtensa Processor Generator to create...

Modelithics COMPLETE Library 22.2 for Cadence AWR Design Environment Platform-Engsofts

Modelithics COMPLETE Library 22.2 for Cadence AWR Design Environment Platform

Modelithics announced the release of the latest version, v22.2, of the Modelithics COMPLETE Library for use with the Cadence AWR Design Environment Platform. This version adds nearly 50 new models for various components to the Modelithics COMPLETE Library. With these additions, the Modelithics COMPLETE Library now includes over 825 models that represent over 25,000 passive and active RF/microwave components. This collection of simulation models comprises surface-mount RLC components, diodes, transistors, amplifiers, attenuators, filters, couplers and other system components. Version 22.2 adds new scalable Microwave Global Models™ to the Modelithics COMPLETE Library, including five models for Amotech capacitors, three models for Coilcraft inductors, three models for Kemet capacitors, three models for Kyocera-AVX capacitors, three models for Smiths Interconnect resistors and one for...

