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AVEVA Bocad Steel 3.2-Engsofts

AVEVA Bocad Steel 3.2

AVEVA Bocad Steel 3.2 is a powerful, productive and complete structural steel detailing solution, catering to all aspects of steel engineering work from layout to fabrication. Will immediately improve visibility and data ownership, thus reducing costs. Only use License Server file,not patched file. AVEVA Bocad Steel 3.2 Tested Picture Get Your Design Right And Minimize Errors, Rework And Schedule Overruns Allows design integration in the first phases of a project and makes it easier to work on difficult details upfront. True integration with the multi-discipline Everything 3D, AVEVA Outfitting and AVEVA FabTrol enable more control, visibility, change management, communication and clash checking. Collaboration between steelwork and layout/outfitting designers results in accurate multi-discipline model and layout drawings. This is the No.1...

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