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MSC Adams Modeler 2024.1-Engsofts

MSC Adams Modeler 2024.1

The Adams Modeler is equipped with a powerful, next-generation pre- and post-processor, enabling you to render models with an incredibly realistic level of detail and physics. MSC Adams Modeler 2024.1 Tested Picture What’s New in Adams Modeler 2024.1 Machinery Read Only Support  First phase of supporting bearings, gears and motors in read only mode. Native Data Spline Support for creation/modification of 2D/3D spline. These can be used in Motion/Force objects (currently limited to function expression manual reference method). Can also edit data splines from imported Adams Models and successful run the models. Improved Shell geometry support  Convert shell geometry to Parasolid. Ability to select facetted geometry for geometric references in Modeler. Proper location of constraints and joints in model browser...

MSC Adams 2024.1-Engsofts

MSC Adams 2024.1

Adams helps engineers to study the dynamics of moving parts, and how loads and forces are distributed throughout mechanical systems. MSC Adams 2024.1 Tested Picture What’s New in Adams 2024.1 Flexible rim in combination with CD-Tire  Account for compliant Tire rim dynamics with CD-tire models and effect on driveline forces. Communicator 2D UI Phase 2 2D Schematic view for diagnosing communicator settings in Adams Car Fatigue calculation within Adams Rainflow count utility to predict component durability Single Leafspring without Shackle An additional leafspring type Adams Car – Edit in Template Edit templates more conveniently without changing user modes. AT extensions – Individual microgeometry per tooth Support for varying tooth geometry in gears to capture observed high frequency vibrations in powertrains...

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