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Tag:2023 Page 3
Cadence Common Patcher with License Generater Tool for 2023-2024 Cadence Assura Physical Verification: Update_ASSURA04.16.001-618 (2.95GB) Cadence AWR Design Environment v24.1:Base_AWR24.10.000 (1.41GB) Cadence Digital Design Implementation (DDI) System 23.10.000(46.53GB) Cadence EMX Planar 3D Solver 2023.1 Linux64 Cadence Integrated Circuit (Advanced Node Virtuoso): ICADVM 20.10.280(11.53GB) Cadence Extraction Tools (Quantus QRC): Base_QUANTUS23.11.000 (3.25GB) Cadence Encounter Conformal: Base_CONFRML22.10.100 (2.84GB) Cadence Genus Synthesis Solution: Base_GENUS23.10.300 (1.52GB) Cadence Helium Virtual and Hybrid Studio:Base_HELIUM22.04.000 (4.08GB) Cadence Indago Debug Platform: Base_INDAGO22.03.00 (2.17GB) Cadence Incisive vManager: Base_VMANAGER23.09.002 (1.87GB) Cadence Innovus Implementation System: Base_INNOVUS21.10.000 (11.16GB) Cadence Integrated Circuit (Virtuoso): Hotfix_IC06.18.250 (15.50GB) Cadence IXCOM:Base_IXCOM22.04.000 (1.51GB) Cadence JasperGold Apps: Base_JASPER24.03.000 (1.15GB) Cadence JED AI 23.10.000 (5.98GB) Cadence Joules RTL Power Analysis: Base_JLS21.10.000 (2.11GB) Cadence Manufacturability and Variability Sign-Off: MVS15.20.000 Cadence Metric-Driven Verification:...
Riviera-PRO addresses verification needs of engineers crafting tomorrow’s cutting-edge FPGA and SoC devices. Riviera-PRO enables the ultimate testbench productivity, reusability, and automation by combining the high-performance simulation engine, advanced debugging capabilities at different levels of abstraction, and support for the latest Language and Verification Library Standards. Top Features and Benefits High Performance Simulation Extensive simulation optimization algorithms to achieve the highest performance in VHDL, Verilog/SystemVerilog, SystemC, and mixed-language simulations The industry-leading capacity and simulation performance enable high regression throughput for developing the most complex systems Support for the latest Verification Libraries, including Universal Verification Methodology (UVM) Support for VHDL verification libraries, including OSVVM and UVVM. Advanced Debugging Integrated multi-language debug environment enables automating time-consuming design analysis tasks and fixing bugs...
ALINT-PRO is a design verification solution for RTL code written in VHDL, Verilog, and SystemVerilog, which is focused on verifying coding style and naming conventions, RTL and post-synthesis simulation mismatches, smooth and optimal synthesis, correct FSM descriptions, avoiding problems on further design stages, clocks and reset tree issues, CDC, RDC, DFT, and coding for portability and reuse. The solution performs static analysis based on RTL and SDC™ source files uncovering critical design issues early in the design cycle, which in turn reduces design signoff time dramatically. Running ALINT-PRO before the RTL simulation and logic synthesis phases prevents design issues spreading into the downstream stages of design flow and reduces the number of iterations required to finish the design. Single Framework...
Altair Pulse is a low-code environment to construct and orchestrate engineering workflows involving many software tools from different sources. From the broad workflows required to simulate complex systems of systems to the detailed processes needed to enable fast, reliable, repeatable modeling, analysis, and optimization, Pulse ensures your team has always the right model, for the right decision, at the right time. Orchestrate Meaningful Models A meaningful simulation model comprises the correct level of complexity and data needed at a particular stage of a project. Whether at the concept design stage or deep into product engineering, Altair understands the requirements for meaningful models that cross disciplines to boost decision-making confidence with fast design exploration, trade-off evaluations, and ‘what if’ studies. By...
FARO SCENE Software is where data processing and scan registration happens. With 3D SCENE Software, users can create stunning 3D visualizations of real-world objects and environments and export that data in various formats. SCENE also features an impressive virtual reality (VR) view, allowing users to experience and evaluate captured data in the VR environment. With SCENE users can also benefit from two key features: Interactive Registration and Hybrid Registration. Interactive scan registration provides an easy-to-use graphical user interface, allowing users to visualize how individual scans are linked together during the registration process and to manually control how those linkages are made. Hybrid registration allows cloud-to-cloud, targets, and survey control to be used together, separately or in various combinations.

RhinoCAM 2024 is a CAM Software plug-in that runs completely inside of Rhinoceros 7.0 & 8.0 (Windows only). RhinoCAM marries the power of Rhino’s freeform modeling with the legendary CAM functionality of VisualCAM to bring you a product of unrivaled capability. With seamless and complete integration RhinoCAM, acts and feels like you are working with Rhino when generating CNC programs. RhinoCAM is also fully associative to any geometry changes within Rhino. RhinoCAM includes modules for MILL, TURN, NEST, MESH & ART Requitement:Rhinoceros 7.x-8.x MecSoft RhinoCAM Premium 2024 For Rhinoceros Tested Picture 2024 Release highlights include : High speed facing cut methods in 2 and 3 axis Contact Tool condition enhancement in 3 Axis surface machining Z axis as the rotary...
Precision offers vendor-independent FPGA synthesis. It provides best-in-class performance and area, high-reliability design capabilities and tight links to simulation and formal equivalency checking. Siemens offers three unique FPGA synthesis solutions – Precision Hi-Rel, Precision RTL Plus and Precision RTL. Precision’s products are tightly integrated with Siemens’ FormalPro LEC for equivalency checking and HDL Designer for design capture and design verification using ModelSim/Questa. Precision RTL Precision RTL, Siemens entry-level FPGA synthesis product, offers best-in-class quality of results with a vendor-independent FPGA synthesis solution. Precision RTL Plus Precision RTL Plus, adds DO-254 certification utilities for mil-aero applications, on-chip debug and validation and resource optimization for DSPs and RAMs. Precision Hi-Rel Precision Hi-Rel, enhances Precision RTL Plus with automated mitigation of SEUs/SETs in...

Petrosys is the leader in mapping, modeling and data management solutions for the oil & gas industry – uniquely integrated with the broadest range of specialist geoscience and GIS applications. Petrosys produces quality maps and visualizations. It aggregates, manages and analyzes the underlying data – for actionable results that communicate with clarity and accuracy. Petrosys is the industry leader in mapping, surface modeling and data management software solutions – delivering direct connectivity with the E&P industry’s most popular exploration, production and GIS data sources. Petrosys produces high quality maps and surface models. It manages, edits, and analyses the underlying information including the specialised seismic, well and geoscience data used in the search for oil and gas. Geoscientists, data managers and engineers at more than 300 sites...
Mician µWave Wizard 2023 Version 10.0 is a full wave 3D EM-design automation suite is aimed at improving your RF component design and simulation workflows. Take a look at its key features: Revamped Customizable User Interface: Discover the efficiency of µWave Wizard™’s redesigned UI, featuring dockable windows for a individual workspace layout. Arrange schematic editors, plot windows, and more to best suit your workflow. New Schematic Editor: Experience a smoother and more efficient design workflow with µWave Wizard™’s enhanced routing capabilities. This latest update features 3D representations of library elements for a realistic look and accurate depiction of modeler elements, ensuring precise modeling in your designs. Improved Project Loading: Version 10.0 loads projects faster than ever allowing projects to be edited right after launch without having to wait for all circuits...
Altair Grid Engine is a leading distributed resource management system for optimizing workloads and resources in thousands of data centers, improving performance and boosting productivity and efficiency. Altair Grid Engine helps organizations improve ROI and deliver better results faster by optimizing throughput and performance of applications, containers, and services while maximizing shared compute resources across on-premises, hybrid, and cloud infrastructures. Key Features Advanced GPU Support Support new frameworks and maximize use of GPU resources on-premises and in the cloud. Cloud-friendly Features Easily deploy and scale dedicated and hybrid HPC clusters in your choice of cloud. Extreme Performance and Scale Proven in 1M+ core/vCPU clusters to improve performance and reduce time to results. Monitoring and Reporting Track and measure resource utilization...