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DHI MIKE URBAN 2020.1-Engsofts


MIKE Urban is a very efficient software from DHI company for modeling and analyzing urban water supply networks.This program will be ideal when you need a model that, in addition to high accuracy, stability, freedom of action, flexibility and compatibility with GIS and 1 systems. This program can model or analyze all water networks such as water supply systems, sewage collection and transmission network, drainage systems or a combination of systems together. DHI MIKE URBAN 2020.1 Tested Picture MIKE Urban is a comprehensive software package that applies to all activities related to urban water modeling.With this program, your productivity will definitely increase and you will be able to make a precise investment in GIS projects and water networks.All GIS licenses and...

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Dolphin Solutions 2020Q2-Engsofts

Dolphin Solutions 2020Q2

SMASH 7.6.0 mixed-signal simulator significantly speeds up OP/DC and transient analyses of analog and mixed designs in advanced nodes by a gain between x2 and x6. These major speed-up gains have been possible thanks to new methods and algorithms without losing simulation accuracy, as merge of identical SPICE instances, improve evaluation of MOS transistors, RC reduction methods and new Solver. All these features allow SMASH to be as fast or even to overtake the major fastest golden spice simulators, while ensuring accuracy of a single solver SPICE simulator. SMASH is now supporting SystemVerilog language for RTL synthesizable simulations, thanks to the integration of Verilator. Verilator is open source Verilog/SystemVerilog simulator. Verilator converts Verilog HDL modules to C++ models which are...

