Dear Engineers

LSTC LS-OPT 2022R2 Linux

LS-OPT is a stand­alone De­sign Op­ti­miza­tion and Prob­a­bilis­tic Analy­sis pack­age with an in­ter­face to LS-DY­NA.

In the “con­ven­tion­al de­sign” ap­proach, a de­sign is im­proved by eval­u­at­ing its “re­sponse” and mak­ing de­sign changes based on ex­pe­ri­ence or in­tu­ition. This ap­proach does not al­ways lead to the de­sired re­sult, that of a ‘best’ de­sign, since the de­sign ob­jec­tives are of­ten in con­flict. It is there­fore not al­ways clear how to change the de­sign to achieve the best com­pro­mise of these ob­jec­tives. A sys­tem­at­ic ap­proach can be ob­tained by us­ing an in­verse process of first spec­i­fy­ing the cri­te­ria and then com­put­ing the ‘best’ de­sign ac­cord­ing to a for­mu­la­tion. The im­prove­ment pro­ce­dure that in­cor­po­rates de­sign cri­te­ria in­to a math­e­mat­i­cal frame­work is re­ferred to as De­sign Op­ti­miza­tion This pro­ce­dure is of­ten it­er­a­tive in na­ture and there­fore re­quires mul­ti­ple sim­u­la­tions.

No two prod­ucts of the same de­sign will be iden­ti­cal in per­for­mance, nor will a prod­uct per­form ex­act­ly as de­signed or an­a­lyzed. A de­sign is typ­i­cal­ly sub­ject­ed to Struc­tur­al vari­a­tion and En­vi­ron­men­tal vari­a­tion in­put vari­a­tions that cause a vari­a­tion in its re­sponse that may lead to un­de­sir­able be­hav­ior or fail­ure. In this case a Prob­a­bilis­tic Analy­sis, us­ing mul­ti­ple sim­u­la­tions, is re­quired to as­sess the ef­fect of the in­put vari­a­tion on the re­sponse vari­a­tion and to de­ter­mine the prob­a­bil­i­ty of fail­ure.

To run and con­trol mul­ti­ple analy­ses si­mul­ta­ne­ous­ly, LS-OPT pro­vides a sim­u­la­tion en­vi­ron­ment that al­lows dis­tri­b­u­tion of sim­u­la­tion jobs across mul­ti­ple proces­sors or net­worked com­put­ers. Each job run­ning in par­al­lel con­sists of the sim­u­la­tion, da­ta ex­trac­tion and disk cleanup. Mea­sure­ments of time re­main­ing or per­for­mance cri­te­ria such as ve­loc­i­ty or en­er­gy are used to mea­sure job progress for LS-DY­NA’s ex­plic­it dy­nam­ic analy­sis cal­cu­la­tions.

The graph­i­cal pre­proces­sor LS-OP­Tui fa­cil­i­tates de­f­i­n­i­tion of the de­sign in­put and the cre­ation of a com­mand file while the post­proces­sor pro­vides out­put such as ap­prox­i­ma­tion ac­cu­ra­cy, op­ti­miza­tion con­ver­gence, trade­off curves, anthill plots and the rel­a­tive im­por­tance of de­sign vari­ables. The post­proces­sor al­so links to LS-Pre­Post to al­low the view­ing of the mod­el rep­re­sent­ing a cho­sen sim­u­la­tion point.

Requirement:LSTC LS-Dyna Single or Double

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