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traffic,biomedicine,mechanical,and CG softs.
Gamma GT-SUITE 2023.2 Win/Linux64-Engsofts

Gamma GT-SUITE 2023.2 Win/Linux64

GT-SUITE 2023.2 is the industry-leading simulation tool with capabilities and libraries aimed at a wide variety of applications and industries. It offers engineers functionalities ranging from fast concept design to detailed system or sub-system/component analyses, design optimization, and root cause investigation.Support OS:RHEL 7, 8, & 9,SLES 12,13,14 64Bit As usual, this version is full of developments that will keep you innovating regardless of your industry or focus area. Additionally, there are many updates specific to this build. Some feature enhancements and updates include: A new vanadium SCR example model A new methane fuel reformer example model A new example that demonstrates modeling of the stop-start of an engine in a vehicle model The Hiroyasu soot model is available in GT-POWER-xRT...

ETA VPG Suite 2023R1-Engsofts

ETA VPG Suite 2023R1

VPG Suite is a virtual proving ground software solution that assists engineers’ understanding of true system performance under various conditions, providing early system-level validation. VPG Suite is an LS-DYNA plugin vertical application toolbox to assist product design and development for transportation industries. For years, VPG has helped engineers understand true system performance and provide early system-level validation through virtual proving grounds simulations. The all-new VPG Suite 2023 accomplishes this goal and much more. VPG Suite 2023 introduces new features and capabilities across pre-processing, post-processing, and safety modules. Pre-Processing Added Sweep/Tetra/Drag meshing functions. Added Along edge/By path for element selection functions. Added Tag function. Added Point to Face measurement function. Added Section Cut tool. Safety Pedestrian Protection module has supported regulation...

ETA Inventium PreSys 2021R1-Engsofts

ETA Inventium PreSys 2021R1

Inventium PreSys is an engineering simulation solution for the development of finite element analysis models. It offers an intuitive user interface with many streamlined functions, allowing fewer operation steps with a minimum amount of data entry along the way. Using PreSys, the user can analyze product designs, view simulation results and analyze/predict how the product will perform in a given circumstance.

SSI ShipConstructor 2023R2-Engsofts

SSI ShipConstructor 2023R2

ShipConstructor allows the best shipbuilders to see ROI on every project, or even on the current block about to be cut, no matter what. Seeing a quick ROI also means getting up and running quickly, without lengthy training times or delays caused by unfamiliar or unoptimized tools. Getting up to speed quickly plays an especially crucial role when it’s time for your organization to adjust to market demand. Being able to trust that no matter what level of experience your workforce has or where they’re located, your ability to accept a new project with confidence will not be jeopardized. The reality of global shipbuilding means that professionals who work on design, engineering, and construction can be in many different parts of the world. Working with a...

Flow3D Cast 5.1U2-Engsofts

Flow3D Cast 5.1U2

FLOW-3D CAST is a state-of-the-art metal casting simulation modeling platform that combines extraordinarily accurate modeling with versatility, ease of use, and high performance cloud computing capabilities. For every metal casting process, FLOW-3D CAST has a workspace ready to put you on a quick, intuitive path to modeling success. With 11 process workspaces, powerful post-processing, pioneering filling and solidification and defect analysis, FLOW-3D CAST delivers both the tools and roadmap for designing optimal casting solutions.


CoventorMP 2022 v2.101 Linux

CoventorMP 2.1 (MEMS+ 7.101 and CoventorWare 11.101) provides 3D MEMS simulation, analysis, and design automation software for the development of micro- and nano-scale devices and systems. These modules cover the full MEMS design flow for system-level simulation, layout generation, and finite element analysis (FEA) and model generators for IC simulators. The list includes: CoventorWare Designer for MEMS physical design, including process layout and solid modelling CoventorWare Analyzer for preprocessing, field solving and visualizing results MEMS+ Simulator for reduced-order model extraction MEMS+ Innovator for assembling a MEMS device using 3D parametric components MEMS+ Scene3D for looking at MEMS+ Simulator, MATLAB/Simulink, or Cadence’s Virtuoso results in 3D A 2D Layout Editor was introduced in 2018 CoventorMP 2.101 for Red Hat Enterprise Linux Desktop 6 and 7, 64-bit New features...

Altair Sulis 1.11-Engsofts

Altair Sulis 1.11

Sulis is a design for additive manufacturing (DfAM) solution that enables engineers to create complex lattice structures and fluid flow channels for use across a range of industries, including aerospace, automotive, medical, and industrial machinery. It’s a 3D printing design software tool that gives users unmatched customization tools and manufacturing checks. With a custom geometry kernel for tubes and an implicit design kernel for latticing, the highly automated AM manufacturing design software features and easy drag-and-drop functionality provides a real-time DfAM approach, enabling fast geometry creation for additive manufacturing (AM). Since Sulis is a CAD tool created specifically for AM, engineers can design parts that truly leverage the freedom of AM, unlocking the power of implicit geometry and reducing the...

Altair RapidMiner Studio 10.2-Engsofts

Altair RapidMiner Studio 10.2

Altair RapidMiner can help overcome the most challenging obstacles in your way. We offer a path to modernization for established data analytics teams as well as a path to automation for teams just getting started. We do this without requiring your organization to radically change your people, processes, computing environment, or existing data landscape, helping you achieve your data goals without changing who you are or what you have. Whether your organization requires an end-to-end data science platform or point solutions, Altair RapidMiner enables you to deliver the right tool at the right time to your diverse teams.

Altair Monarch 2023.0-Engsofts

Altair Monarch 2023.0

Monarch is a market leading desktop-based self-service data preparation solution. Monarch connects to multiple data sources including structured and unstructured data, cloud-based data, and big data. Connecting to data, cleansing and manipulating data requires no coding. Monarch can quickly convert disparate data formats into rows and columns for use in data analytics. Over 80 pre-built data preparation functions mean data preparation tasks can be completed quickly and error free. More time is spent on generating value from data as opposed to making data usable to begin with.

PDI GRLWEAP Offshore 2010-7-Engsofts

PDI GRLWEAP Offshore 2010-7

GRLWEAP is a one dimensional wave equation analysis program to simulate motions and forces in a foundation pile when driven by either an impact or vibratory hammer. Since initially developed in early 1970s, the program has been improved continuously to add many features which help improve the accuracy of predicted stresses, bearing capacities, blow counts and installation time. The accuracy has been improved and proven by matching the results with field observation and measurement by the Pile Driving Analyzer®. PDI GRLWEAP Offshore 2010-7 Tested Picture GRLWEAP is the software of choice for industryleading piling professionals around the world.GRLWEAP: Calculates driving resistance, dynamic pile stresses, and estimated capacities based on field observed blow count, for a given hammer and pile system...


