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Electrical & Power Engineering softwares.

Synopsys Common Patcher with License Generater 2024-2025

Synopsys 3DIC Compiler 2024.09 Linux Synopsys Avalon 2024.03 Linux Synopsys Certitude 2024.09 Linux Synopsys Chamber Matching 2022.12 Synopsys CODE V 2024.03 Synopsys Custom Compiler 2024.09 Linux Synopsys Custom WaveView 2024.09 Synopsys DSO.ai 2024.09 Synopsys eDataLyzer 2024.03 Synopsys eFDC 2024.03 Synopsys Embedit 2024.09 Linux64 Synopsys ESP 2024.09 Linux64 Synopsys Euclide 2023.12 Win/Linux Synopsys FineSim 2023.12 Linux64 Synopsys Formality 2024.09 Linux64 Synopsys Fusion Compiler 2024.09 Linux64 Synopsys GenSys 2024.09 Linux64 Synopsys HSPICE 2024.09 Win64/Linux64 Synopsys IC Compiler 2024.09 Linux64 Synopsys IC Compiler II 2024.09 Linux64 Synopsys IC Validator 2024.09 Linux64 Synopsys IC Validator Workbench 2023.09 Linux64 Synopsys ICE Speed Adaptor 2023.09 Linux64 Synopsys Laker OA 2023.09 Linux64 Synopsys Library Compiler 2024.09 Linux64 Synopsys LightTools 2024.03 Linux64 Synopsys LucidDrive 2024.03 Synopsys LucidShape 2024.09...


Cadence Common Patcher with License Generater 2023-2024

Cadence Common Patcher with License Generater Tool for 2023-2024 Cadence Assura Physical Verification: Update_ASSURA04.16.001-618 (2.95GB) Cadence AWR Design Environment v24.1:Base_AWR24.10.000 (1.41GB) Cadence Digital Design Implementation (DDI) System 23.10.000(46.53GB) Cadence EMX Planar 3D Solver 2023.1 Linux64 Cadence Integrated Circuit (Advanced Node Virtuoso): ICADVM 20.10.280(11.53GB) Cadence Extraction Tools (Quantus QRC): Base_QUANTUS23.11.000 (3.25GB) Cadence Encounter Conformal: Base_CONFRML22.10.100 (2.84GB) Cadence Genus Synthesis Solution: Base_GENUS23.10.300 (1.52GB) Cadence Helium Virtual and Hybrid Studio:Base_HELIUM22.04.000 (4.08GB) Cadence Indago Debug Platform: Base_INDAGO22.03.00 (2.17GB) Cadence Incisive vManager: Base_VMANAGER23.09.002 (1.87GB) Cadence Innovus Implementation System: Base_INNOVUS21.10.000 (11.16GB) Cadence Integrated Circuit (Virtuoso): Hotfix_IC06.18.250 (15.50GB) Cadence IXCOM:Base_IXCOM22.04.000 (1.51GB) Cadence JasperGold Apps: Base_JASPER24.03.000 (1.15GB) Cadence JED AI 23.10.000 (5.98GB) Cadence Joules RTL Power Analysis: Base_JLS21.10.000 (2.11GB) Cadence Manufacturability and Variability Sign-Off: MVS15.20.000 Cadence Metric-Driven Verification:...

Altair FEKO 2025.0 Linux64

Altair Feko is the leading tool for antenna design, placement and coupling, virtual test drives and flights, radio frequency interference, radar and radio coverage and planning, and spectrum management. Feko uniquely combines installed antenna performance with wireless coverage analysis, and its hybridized and parallelized solvers handle complex and electrically large analysis problems. Altair FEKO 2025.0 Linux64 Tested Picture Additionally, Feko offers specialized wave propagation technologies and models through its Altair® WinProp™ and Altair® WRAP™ capabilities. WinProp is especially useful for detailed, urban, and indoor radio-coverage planning, network roll-out, and comparative design deployment needed for heterogeneous outdoor-indoor scenarios. WRAP supports network coverage, planning, colocation, and interference analysis and frequency administration over large regions spanning land, sea, and air for a variety...


Crosslight PICS3D (LASTIP) 2024.02

PICS3D, Photonic Integrated Circuit Simulator in 3D, is a state of the art 3D-simulator for surface and edge emission laser diodes, SOA, and other similar active waveguide devices. The 2D/3D semiconductor equations (drift-diffusion, Poisson, etc..) are coupled to the optical modes in both lateral and longitudinal directions. Optical properties such as quantum well/wire/dot optical gain and spontaneous emission rates are computed self-consistently. Crosslight PICS3D (LASTIP) 2024.02 Tested Picture Starting from the 2016 version, the functionality of our 2D laser solver (LASTIP) has also been folded into PICS3D: this allows for easy simulation of laser devices without significant longitudinal effects and more flexibility for customers working on a variety of laser device designs. Click here for details. Applications 2D and 3D...

Crosslight APSYS 2024.02

APSYS, Advanced Physical Models of Semiconductor Devices, is based on 2D/3D finite element analysis of electrical, optical and thermal properties of compound semiconductor devices, with silicon as a special case. Emphasis has been placed on band structure engineering and quantum mechanical effects. Inclusion of various optical modules also makes this simulation package attractive for applications involving photosensitive or light emitting devices. Crosslight APSYS 2024.02 Tested Picture  Applications Diodes, transistors and various other types of silicon devices LEDs and OLEDs Solar cells Photodetectors (PD) High electron mobility transistors (HEMT) Heterojunction bipolar transistors (HBT) Resonant tunneling diodes (RTD) Quantum well infrared photodetectors (QWIP) Small MOS devices with strong quantum mechanical effects (Quantum-MOS) Power devices Features Restart from previous saved status Industry leading...


Crosslight CSuprem 2024

CSUPREM (Crosslight-SUPREM) is a process simulation software package based on the SUPREM.IV.GS code developed at the Integrated Circuits Laboratory of Stanford University. SUPREM.IV.GS (2D) has long been recognized as the industry standard in process simulation for integrated circuit (IC) design for over a decade. Crosslight greatly enhances the capability of the original code from Stanford and extends it from 2D to 3D. Please refer to our full and mini CSUPREM product brochures for more details… Crosslight CSuprem 2024 Tested Picture A brief introduction to Crosslight TCAD is also available in the following presentation and pamphlet. Features Reliable and flexible next-generation 2D/3D process simulator 2D, Quasi-3D, Hybrid-3D and Full 3D process simulation 2D and Full 3D device simulation when combined with APSYS GPU-accelerated solver Full 3D diffusion models Highly effiicient mesh...


Keysight PathWave Signal Generation (PWSG) Desktop 2025 v7.0.0

PathWave Signal Generation is a signal creation for a wide range of general purpose or standards-based signals. Comprehensive PC-based software for flexible signal creation. Cellular, wireless connectivity, aerospace/defense, broadcasting and general purpose applications. Supports a wide variety of signal generation hardware. PathWave Signal Generation Desktop 2025 v7.0.0 Tested Picture Create Performance-Optimized Reference Signals Create calibrated signals, validated by Keysight, that conform to industry standards to help enhance the characterization and verification of your devices with or without impairments. Validate Component, Transmitter and Receiver Testing Easily create and playback customized waveforms for component testing with virtually distortion-free test signals. Generate fully channel-coded signals including real-time mode to evaluate the throughput of your receiver. Impairments can be also added to evaluate receiver...

Synopsys ProGen 2023.12 Linux64

Proteus ProGen models are empirical compact models reflecting the performance of a lithography process. Model parameters are determined by fitting experimental data. The Proteus Modeling Platform (PMP) provides a single environment for calibrating those parameters with a high degree of automation and tuning them for optimum performance in downstream applications. Synopsys ProGen 2023.12 Linux64 Tested Picture ProGen, Proteus’ highly customizable solution calibrates a single model that is utilized by both the space- and frequency-domain engines.

Synopsys Proteus 2023.12 Linux64

Synopsys Proteus™ full-chip mask synthesis smart manufacturing solutions enabling technologies down to 3nm and below. With the Synopsys Proteus family you can achieve exceptional precision, efficiency and speed in proximity correction, model building for correction, and analyzing proximity effects on corrected and uncorrected IC layout patterns, revolutionizing your chip fabrication process. The Synopsys Proteus full-chip mask synthesis family are the products of choice for leading edge IDMs and foundries and have been production proven for two decades with support for the latest EUV lithography processes. Synopsys Proteus 2023.12 Linux64 Tested Picture Key Benefits Largest Lithography Entitlement Industries first and most deployed inverse lithography solution with native curvilinear design and mask support. Fast Turn Around Time AI driven solutions with advanced...

Synopsys Proteus WorkBench 2023.12 Linux64

Proteus WorkBench (PWB) is a powerful cockpit tool for the development and optimization of Proteus-based mask synthesis solutions. It is based on a powerful hierarchical GDSII/OASIS layout visualization and editing engine, providing a comprehensive environment for lithography simulation, compact model building, optical proximity correction (OPC) recipe tuning, litho rule checks, and mask synthesis flow development. Synopsys Proteus WorkBench 2023.12 Linux64 Tested Picture PWB offers an easy to use platform with access to a wide-ranging set of tools, enabling fast calibration of accurate models, supporting the optimization of highly efficient Proteus recipes for deployment in OPC and verification. As state-of-the-art lithography exposure tools are operated at their physical resolution limit, new mask and process technologies are being deployed to further shrink...

