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CFD Softwares.

Cradle CFD 2024.1

Cradle CFD 2024.1 as a Multiphysics Computational Fluid Dynamics solution to enhance your productivity for designing, researching, and manufacturing. The packages of scFLOW, scSTREAM, HeatDesigner, SC/Tetra, PICLS, CADthru and scPOST are all integrated into Cradle CFD. What’s New in Cradle CFD 2024.1 The release of Cradle CFD 2024.1 features new battery analysis capabilities, advanced aeroacoustics analysis, improved multiphase flow and turbulence modeling, and cutting-edge stability and accuracy enhancements. Notable productivity enhancements include automated mesh refinement for curved geometry features, improved boundary layer mesh creation, increased CAD manipulation speed, and an efficient single-blade passage model extraction for turbomachinery. This release also extends support of ARM architectures for scFLOW. These improvements highlight our dedication to transforming complex behaviors into actionable engineering insights...


MSC Digimat 2024.1 Win/Linux

Digimat is the state-of-the-art multiscale material modelling platform focusing on the micromechanical modelling of complex multiphase materials such as plastics, composites, metals, and elastomers, revealing how they perform at part and system levels. Digimat bridges the gap between materials, manufacturing processes, and structural part performance to design innovative high-performance products while minimising weight, cost and time-to-market. MSC Digimat 2024.1 Release Highlights Some main highlights of this release include the following: Water and Glycol Ageing: Digimat-MS is able to take into account a uniform value or local concentration of water, glycol and molecular mass. Upon contact with water or glycol, short fibre reinforced polymer composites experience properties degradation. This new workflow allows users to predict the effect of water or glycol absorption...


MSC Elements 2024.1

Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence is pleased to announce Elements 2024.1. This release includes some new UI features and a new component. New Component – 3D lookup Table We have a new lookup component that supports 3 independent variables and 1 dependent variable. It supports reading a csv file for table data. This unlocks higher dimensional map-based models. For example, motor efficiency maps, battery characteristic maps etc. Simulation Rerun from Analysis Window You can now change parameters and submit a re-run right from the Analysis Window. This saves time it takes in the Model flattening and equation simplification steps. FMI 3.0 Import and Export Elements now supports import and export of FMUs generated by the latest FMI standard (FMI 3.0). This enables...

MSC Simulating Forming 2024.2-Engsofts

MSC Simulating Forming 2024.2

Simufact Forming is a simulation tool for hands-on professionals working with forming technology. Our goal is to focus the software to the practical needs of the users. Our customers confirm the fact that we have achieved a lot in this field. The operation of simulation software very often requires a lot of expert knowledge to build up and program complex models. This is not the case with Simufact Forming: The user can focus on the engineering-related details of the forming process. He does not have to deal with the physics of the forming process, nor with simulation-specific details. Simufact Forming is application-oriented as well as easy and fast to master. MSC Simulating Forming 2023.2 Tested Picture Simufact Forming’s standard user interface allows for...

Converge Studio 2024 v4.0

CONVERGE 4, the latest major release of our CFD software, includes many exciting new features and enhancements that expand both the capability and usability of the code. Speed & Accuracy Improvements Under-Relaxation Steady Solver CONVERGE 4 introduces a new Under-Relaxation Steady (URS) solver, which offers a number of benefits for steady-state simulations. Instead of using time marching to reach steady state, as the pseudo-transient solver does, the URS solver uses under-relaxation in place of the transient term. With this scheme, the residuals often converge much faster, significantly reducing runtime. Depending on the application, the URS solver can be approximately 3–100 times faster than the pseudo-transient solver. 2D Axisymmetric Solver With the new 2D axisymmetric solver, you can solve 3D problems...

PointCab 4Revit 2.0-Engsofts

PointCab 4Revit 2.0

POINTCAB 4REVIT PLUGIN(PointCab Plugin for Autodesk Revit) offers one of the most straightforward workflows for modeling point cloud data in Revit. Stay in your comfort zone and don’t worry about point cloud data anymore! In the tutorials below, we explain in detail how you can use the individual functions of our Revit plugin to your advantage. Of course, the quickest way to learn is to work directly in the software. Compatibility with Autodesk Revit 2024 No export/import of point cloud data necessary Direct transfer of objects Direct transfer of vector lines Direct transfer of 3D information Correct positioning of custom objects No navigating in the point cloud Compatible with latest Autodesk Revit as of 2024

Altair Knowledge Studio 2023.3-Engsofts

Altair Knowledge Studio 2023.3

Knowledge Studio is a market-leading easy to use machine learning and predictive analytics solution that rapidly visualizes data as it quickly generates explainable results – without requiring a single line of code. A recognized analytics leader, Knowledge Studio brings transparency and automation to machine learning with features such as AutoML and Explainable AI without restricting how models are configured and tuned, giving you control over model building. Key Features No Code Machine Learning Modeling An interactive and intuitive interface allows users of different skill sets to quickly connect to a wide range of data sources, transform disparate data formats into usable datasets, and generate insights by using a wide range of modeling techniques and algorithms, from decision trees to regression...

BIOVIA TURBOMOLE 7.7 & TmoleX 2023-Engsofts

BIOVIA TURBOMOLE 7.7 & TmoleX 2023

BIOVIA TURBOMOLE features all standard and state of the art methods, a very fast DFT code for molecules and solids, excited states and spectra using DFT or Coupled Cluster methods. High accuracy calculations as well as fast and low-scaling algorithms and parallelization allow tackling systems that have been out of reach before. BIOVIA TURBOMOLE 7.7 & TmoleX 2023 Tested Picture TURBOMOLE is a collaborative, multi-national software development project aiming to provide highly efficient and stable computational tools for quantum chemical simulations of molecules, clusters, periodic systems, and solutions. The TURBOMOLE software suite is optimized for widely available, inexpensive, and resource-efficient hardware such as multi-core workstations and small computer clusters. TURBOMOLE specializes in electronic structure methods with outstanding accuracy-cost ratio, such...

LSTC LS-OPT 2022R2 Linux-Engsofts

LSTC LS-OPT 2022R2 Linux

LS-OPT is a stand­alone De­sign Op­ti­miza­tion and Prob­a­bilis­tic Analy­sis pack­age with an in­ter­face to LS-DY­NA. In the “con­ven­tion­al de­sign” ap­proach, a de­sign is im­proved by eval­u­at­ing its “re­sponse” and mak­ing de­sign changes based on ex­pe­ri­ence or in­tu­ition. This ap­proach does not al­ways lead to the de­sired re­sult, that of a ‘best’ de­sign, since the de­sign ob­jec­tives are of­ten in con­flict. It is there­fore not al­ways clear how to change the de­sign to achieve the best com­pro­mise of these ob­jec­tives. A sys­tem­at­ic ap­proach can be ob­tained by us­ing an in­verse process of first spec­i­fy­ing the cri­te­ria and then com­put­ing the ‘best’ de­sign ac­cord­ing to a for­mu­la­tion. The im­prove­ment pro­ce­dure that in­cor­po­rates de­sign cri­te­ria in­to a math­e­mat­i­cal frame­work is re­ferred to as...

LSTC LS-DYNA MPP R14.1 Linux-Engsofts


LS-DYNA is the most used explicit simulation program in the world and is capable of simulating the response of materials to short periods of severe loading. Its many elements, contact formulations, material models and other controls can be used to simulate complex models with control over all the details of the problem. Ansys LS-DYNA applications include: Explosion / Penetration Bird Strike Crashworthiness / Airbag Simulations Splashing / Hydroplaning / Sloshing Incompressible and Compressible Fluids Stamping / Forming / Drawing / Forging Biomedical and Medical Devices Simulations Drop Test of All Forms Impacts Product Misuse / Severe Loadings Product Failure / Fragmentation Large Plasticity in Mechanisms Sports Equipment Design Manufacturing Processes Like Machining / Cutting / Drawing Vehicle Crash and Occupant Safety


