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Geochemist's WorkBench(GWB) Professional 2023 v17.0.3-Engsofts

Geochemist's WorkBench(GWB) Professional 2023 v17.0.3

The Professional edition of The Geochemist’s Workbench 2023 is the complete suite of tools to meet every practicing geochemist’s needs. GWB Pro is your choice for computing phase diagrams and modeling reactive transport. One-dimensional and two-dimensional simulations of reactive transport in single and dual-porosity media, including bioreaction, stable isotopes, and migrating colloids, are a snap. Then animate your results and create video clips with a few clicks. Geochemist’s WorkBench(GWB) Professional 2023 v17.0.3 Tested Picture GWB Pro’s advanced algorithms and multithreaded design make it ideal for simulating the fate and transport of contaminants in flowing ground and surface water. In addition to reactive transport, GWB Pro models kinetic and equilibrium reaction in multicomponent systems, calculates Eh-pH and activity diagrams, and creates a spectrum of specialty plots. You can balance reactions, calculate equilibrium constants,...

